From the Archives
Miscellaneous Publications, 1933-2008
Important publications, articles, and papers not included in any of the series listed on the site. Most are available online.
Alfred Cowles, 3rd, 1933–1985
- “Can Stock Market Forecasters Forecast?” A paper read before a joint meeting of the Econometric Society and the American Statistical Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 31, 1932 and reprinted in Econometrica (July 1933), 1(3): 309–324.
- “Analysis of 4½ Years of Forecasting by 41 Advisory Services and Publications,” Stock Market Technique (April 1933), 2(2): esp. pp. 5–9.
- “Some a Posteriori Probabilities in Stock Market Actions” (with Herbert E. Jones), reprinted in Econometrica (July 1937), 5(3): 280–294.
- “Obituary: Alfred Cowles, 3rd, 1891–1984,” Econometrica (May 1985), 53(3): 683
Annual Research Conferences on Economics and Statistics, 1935–1940
- Program of the 1st Annual Research Conference, Summer 1935 (Program)
- Report of the 2nd Annual Research Conference, July 6–August 8, 1936 (119pp report with abstracts of lectures presented)
- Report of the 3rd Annual Research Conference, June 28–July 23, 1937 (109pp report with abstracts of lectures presented)
- Report of the 4th Annual Research Conference, July 5–29, 1938 (106pp report with abstracts of lectures presented)
- Report of the 5th Annual Research Conference, July 3–28, 1939 (93pp report with abstracts of lectures presented)
- Report of the 6th Annual Research Conference, July 1–26, 1940 (99pp report with abstracts of lectures presented)
Cowles Commission, Special Papers, 1947–1954
- No. 1. John R. Menke, “Nuclear Fission as a Source of Power,” Econometrica (October 1947), 15(4): 314–333.
- No. 2. Sam H. Schurr, “The Economic Aspects of Atomic Energy as a Source of Power,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (September 1946), 2(5-6): 1–4; Proceedings Supplement of American Economic Review (May 1947), 37(2): 98–117. With discussion by Lewis N. Dembitz, Philip Sporn, Sam Schurr, and Jacob Marschak.
- No. 3. Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Uses of Prices,” Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research in Production and Inventory Control, Cleveland: Case Institute of Technology, 1954, pp. 1-7.
Commission Discussion Papers, 1948-1955
Commission Discussion Papers, Economics
Commission Discussion Papers, Mathematics
Number | Title |
Math 401 |
Murray Gerstenhaber, “Some Elementary Properties of Convex Polyhedral Cones” (1948) [No copy exists] |
Math 402 |
David Gale, “Summary of Theory of Polyhedral Cones and Linear Inequalities” (October 6, 1949) [2pp] |
Math 403 |
Morton Slater, “Lagrange Multipliers Revisited: A Contribution to Non-linear Programming” (November 7, 1950) [12pp] |
Math 404 |
Morton Slater, “A Theorem on Characteristic Roots” (June 1, 1951) [2pp] |
Math 405 |
Gerard Debreu, “Characteristic Roots of Non-negative Matrices” (June 1, 1951) [2pp] |
Math 406 |
I. N. Herstein, “A Theorem on Characterstic Roots” (July 23, 1951) [3pp] |
Math 407 |
Gerard Debreu, “Quadratic Forms Definite under Linear Constraints” (August 13, 1951) [3pp] |
Math 408 |
Gerard Debreu, “Definite and Semi-definite Quadratic Forms” (September 6, 1951) [7pp] |
Math 409 |
Theodore W. Anderson, “Remark on Properties of Nonnegative Matrices” (October 1, 1951) [1p] |
Math 410 |
I. N. Herstein, “Positive and Nonnegative Matrices I” (October 2, 1951) [6pp] |
Math 411 |
Herbert A. Simon, “Some Theorems on the Combinatorial Ranks of Matrices” (November 29, 1951) [7pp] |
Math 412 |
Gerard Debreu, “Saddle Point Existence Theorems” (January 4, 1951) [13pp] |
Math 413 |
Helmut Wielandt, “Indecomposable, Nonnegative Matrices” [translated from the German by I. N. Herstein] (February 5, 1952) [11pp] |
Math 414 |
Gerard Debreu and I. N. Herstein, “Nonnegative, Indecomposable Matrices” (1952) [3pp] |
Math 415 |
Leonid Hurwicz, “The Minkowski-Farkas Lemma for Bounded Linear Transformations in Banach Spaces” (July 16, 1952) [5pp] |
Math 416 |
Leonid Hurwicz, “Minkowski-Farkas Lemma in Banach Spaces” (October 17, 1952) [5pp] |
Math 417 |
Gerard Debreu and I. N. Herstein, “Nonnegative Square Matrices” (October 1, 1952) [15pp] |
Math 418 |
Leonid Hurwicz, “Largrangian Saddle Points in Banach Spaces (Summary of Results)” (March 12, 1953) [7pp] |
Math 419 |
I. N. Herstein, “An Index to Some Banach Space Definitions and Results” (March 16, 1953) [6pp] |
Math 420 |
Leonid Hurwicz, “Maximality (‘Efficiency’) and Lagrangian Saddle Points” (March 18, 1953) [6pp] |
Math 421 |
Leo Törnqvist, “Some General Mean Value Operations, and Matrice-operations Related to ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ Operations” (April 9, 1953) [10pp] |
Math 422 |
Leo Törnqvist, “How to Find Optimal Admissible Summations Ways” (April 28, 1953) [11pp] |
Math 423 |
Gerard Debreu, “Separation Theorems for Covex Sets” (June 2, 1953) [5pp] |
Math 424 |
Leo Törnqvist, “How to Find Optimal Solutions to Assignment Problems” (August 3, 1953) [22pp] |
Math 425 |
Theodore S. Motzkin, “The Assignment Problem” (March 8, 1954) [24pp] |
Math 426 |
A. W. Tucker, “Transformation of Dual Linear Programs: Summary” (April 26, 1954) [3pp] |
Math 427 |
Donald Bratton, “The Duality Theorem in Linear Programming” (January 6, 1955) [19pp] |
Math 428 |
William S. Vickrey, “Farkas Lemma, Duality and Largrangian Multipliers” (February 14, 1955) [9pp] |
Commission Discussion Papers, Statistics
Cowles Commission, Special Publications 1935–1956
- Harold T. Davis and William F. C. Nelson, Elements of Statistics, 2nd ed., Bloomington: Principia Press, March 1937, 434pp (12,564 kb). This is a revised and enlarged edition of the first edition, published in 1935.
- Sam H. Schurr and Jacob Marschak, Economic Aspects of Atomic Power, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950. 289pp (11,735 kb). An analysis of the potential applicability of atomic power in selected industries and its economic effects in both industrialized and underdeveloped areas.
- H. S. Houthakker, assisted by Lester G. Telser, Commodity Futures: A Study in the Economics of Uncertainty. A study of commodity futures markets which investigates the reaction of groups concerned with these markets to uncertainty about future developments. [Note: This monograph was never completed, Chapter 1 appears as CFDP 44 (1957).]
- Jacob Marschak, Income, Employment, and the Price Level, Augustus M. Kelley, 1951, 1951, 101pp (2,124 kb). Notes on class lectures by Jacob Marschak. Autumn, 1948 and 1949, edited and with a Preface by David I. Fand and Harry Markowitz.
- Martin J. Beckmann and C. B. McGuire and Christopher B. Winsten, Studies in the Economics of Transportation (7,259 kb), Yale University Press, 1956, 232pp. This exploratory study of highway and railroad systems examines their theoretical aspects and develops concepts and methods for assessing the capabilities and efficiency of existing and projected traffic systems.
Commission/Foundation, Miscellaneous, 1952–1999
- Carl F. Christ, “History of the Cowles Commission, 1932–1952,” in Economic Theory and Measurement: A Twenty Year Research Report
- Kenneth E. Boulding, “Review Note of Economic Theory and Measurement: A Twenty Year Research Report, 1932-1952," Kyklos, Nr. 2, Band 6.
- Marc Nerlove, foreword by Olav Bjerkholt, "Some Notes on Cournot and the Bargaining Problem," (August 1953)
- Clifford Hildreth, “The Cowles Commission in Chicago, 1939-1955,” Center for Economic Research Discusson Paper No. 225, University of Minnesota, October 1985
- Carl F. Christ, “The Cowles Commission's Contributions to Econometrics at Chicago, 1939–1955,” Journal of Economic Literature, 32(1) (March 1994), pp. 30–59
- Richard William Farebrother, “A Memoir on the Life of Harold Thayer Davis (1892-1974),” The Manchester School (September 1999), 67(4): 603-610
50th Anniversary Celebration, June 3-4, 1983
- Arrow, Kenneth J., “Cowles in the History of Economic Thought”
- Debreu, Gerard, "Mathematical Economics at Cowles”
- Malinvaud, Edmond, “Econometric Methodology at the Cowles Commission: Rise and Maturity”
- Solow, Robert M., “Cowles and the Tradition of Macroeconomics”
James Tobin, 1986–1996
- William Breit and Roger W. Spencer, eds., Lives of the Laureates, Seven Nobel Economists: JAMES TOBIN. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986, pp. 113-135
- Mahbub ul Haq, Inge Kaul, and Isabelle Grunberg, eds., The Tobin Tax. Oxford University Press, 1996
Tjalling C. Koopmans and Leonid V. Kantorovich, 2008
- Johanna Bockman (George Mason University) and Michael A. Bernstein (Tulane University), “Scientific Community in a Divided World: Economists, Planning, and Research Priority during the Cold War,” Comparative Studies in Society and History (2008), 50(3): 581-613
- Dynamic Economics: Theoretical and Statistical Studies of Demand, Production and Prices
January 1934 | CFM 1 | Charles F. Roos - NRA Economic Planning
January 1937 | CFM 2 | Charles F. Roos - Common-Stock Indexes, 1871-1937
January 1938 | CFM 3.1 | Alfred Cowles - Silver Money
January 1939 | CFM 4 | Dickson H. Leavens - Common-Stock Indexes, 2nd ed
January 1939 | CFM 3.2 | Alfred Cowles - The Variate Difference Method
January 1940 | CFM 5 | Gerhard Tintner - Supplement: Common-Stock Indexes for 1939 and 1940
January 1940 | CFM 3.3 | Alfred Cowles - The Analysis of Economic Time Series
January 1941 | CFM 6 | Harold T. Davis - General-Equilibrium Theory in International Trade
January 1944 | CFM 7 | Jacob L. Mosak - Price Flexibility and Employment
January 1944 | CFM 8 | Oskar (Oscar) Lange - Price Control and Business
January 1945 | CFM 9 | George Katona - Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Models
January 1950 | CFM 10 | Tjalling C. Koopmans & John Wiley & Sons - Economic Fluctuations in the United States, 1921–1941
January 1950 | CFM 11 | Lawrence R. Klein & John Wiley & Sons - Social Choice and Individual Values, 1st ed.
January 1951 | CFM 12.1 | Kenneth J. Arrow & John Wiley & Sons - Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation
January 1951 | CFM 13 | Tjalling C. Koopmans & John Wiley & Sons - Studies in Econometric Method
January 1953 | CFM 14 | William C. Hood, Tjalling C. Koopmans & John Wiley & Sons - A Statistical Study of Livestock Production and Marketing
January 1955 | CFM 15 | Clifford Hildreth, Frank G. Jarrett & John Wiley & Sons - Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments
January 1959 | CFM 16 | Harry M. Markowitz & John Wiley & Sons - Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium
January 1959 | CFM 17 | Gerard Debreu - Studies in Process Analysis: Economy-Wide Production Capabilities
January 1963 | CFM 18 | Harry M. Markowitz, John Wiley & Sons & Alan S. Manne - Social Choice and Individual Values, 2nd ed
January 1963 | CFM 12.2 | Kenneth J. Arrow & John Wiley & Sons - Risk Aversion and Portfolio Choice
January 1967 | CFM 19 | Donald D. Hester, James Tobin & John Wiley & Sons - Studies of Portfolio Behavior
January 1967 | CFM 20 | Donald D. Hester, James Tobin & John Wiley & Sons - Financial Markets and Economic Activity
January 1967 | CFM 21 | Donald D. Hester, James Tobin & John Wiley & Sons - Economic Theory of Teams
January 1972 | CFM 22 | Jacob Marschak & Roy Radner - Efficient Estimation with A Priori Information
January 1973 | CFM 23 | Thomas J. Rothenberg - Bank Management and Portfolio Behavior
January 1975 | CFM 25 | Donald D. Hester & James L. Pierce - The Efficient Use of Energy Resources
January 1979 | CFM 26 | William Nordhaus - Disequilibrium Dynamics: A Theoretical Analysis of Inflation
January 1981 | CFM 27 | Katsuhito Iwai - Supplement: Relation between Cowles and S&P Indexes
November 1985 | CFM 3.4 | Robert Shiller