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Miscellaneous Publications, 1933-2008

Important publications, articles, and papers not included in any of the series listed on the site. Most are available online.

Alfred Cowles, 3rd, 1933–1985

Annual Research Conferences on Economics and Statistics, 1935–1940

Cowles Commission, Special Papers, 1947–1954

    • No. 1. John R. Menke, “Nuclear Fission as a Source of Power,” Econometrica (October 1947), 15(4): 314–333.
    • No. 2. Sam H. Schurr, “The Economic Aspects of Atomic Energy as a Source of Power,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (September 1946), 2(5-6): 1–4; Proceedings Supplement of American Economic Review (May 1947), 37(2): 98–117. With discussion by Lewis N. Dembitz, Philip Sporn, Sam Schurr, and Jacob Marschak.
    • No. 3. Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Uses of Prices,” Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research in Production and Inventory Control, Cleveland: Case Institute of Technology, 1954, pp. 1-7.

    Commission Discussion Papers, 1948-1955

    Commission Discussion Papers, Economics
    Number Title

    Econ 201

    Jorgen Gelting, “Fiscal Policy and National Income” (May 29, 1947) [2pp]

    Econ 202

    Herbert A. Simon, “Some Economic Effects of Technological Change” (May 31, 1947) [12pp]

    Econ 203

    Robert A. Taft, “Letter and Questionnaire From Chairman Taft of the Joint Committee of the Economic Report. Answers From Jacob Marschak” (June 20, 1947) [10pp]

    Econ 204

    Jacob Marschak, “Taxation and Entrepreneur’s Choice” (with acknowledgements to K. Arrow) (July 24, 1947) [8pp]

    Econ 205

    Evsey D. Domar, “Some Ideas Suggested by L. R. Klein’s Paper ‘Theories of Effective Demand and Employment’” (April 1947) [3pp]

    Econ 206

    Herman Rubin, “Structural Equations For the Investigation of the Relation of Corn Yield to Weather” (August 4, 1947) [4pp]

    Econ 207

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Forecasting of National Income in June 1947” (August 26, 1947) [3pp]

    Econ 208

    Evsey D. Domar, “Capital Accumulation and the End of Prosperity” (August 28, 1947) [4pp]

    Econ 209

    Jacob Marschak, “Second Note on the Response of Entrepreneurs to Taxes” (September 1, 1947) [3pp]

    Econ 210

    Roger Dehem, “Price Flexibility and Inconsistent Systems” (August 29, 1947) [2pp]

    Econ 211

    Colin Clark, “System of Trade Cycle Equations Derived From Quarterly Data of Harold Barger, U.S.A., 1921–39” (October 8, 1947) [1p]

    Econ 212

    Don Patinkin, “Price Flexibility and Unemployment” (November 17, 1947) [16pp]

    Econ 213

    Herbert A. Simon, “Some Models For the Study of the Economic Effects of Technological Change” (December 16, 1947) [23pp]

    Econ 214

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Optimum Utilization of the Transportation System” (February 6, 1948) [15pp]

    Econ 215

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Systems of Linear Production Functions” (February 10, 1948) [13pp]

    Econ 215A

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Notations and References For: A Mathematical Model of Production” (September 1948) [2pp]

    Econ 216

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Forecasting the Effects of Government Fiscal Policy” (February 20, 1948) [11pp]

    Econ 217

    Leonid Hurwicz, “Homogeneous Systems” (1948)

    Econ 218

    Don Patinkin, “Manufacturing 1921-41: Preliminary Report” (February 27, 1948) [7pp]

    Econ 219

    Dick Van Dongen Torman, “Theory and Measurement of Production Functions” (1948) [12pp]

    Econ 220

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “The Theory of Price Adjustment” (March 7, 1948) [8pp]

    Econ 221

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Proof of Samuelson’s Theorem Regarding the Ineffectiveness of Substitution in the Leontief Model” (April 28, 1948) [6pp]

    Econ 222

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Preliminary Results on Mobility Labor Study” (May 4, 1948) [5pp]

    Econ 223

    Trygve Haavelmo, “A Note on the Theory of Investment” (May 4, 1948) [7pp]

    Econ 224

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “A Formal Theory of Aggregation” (June 14, 1948) [12pp]

    Econ 225

    Lawrence R. Klein, “Maximizing Profit Integral under Imperfect Competition” (June 25, 1948) [3pp]

    Econ 226

    Jacob Marschak, “Measureable Utility and the Theory of Assets” (July 21, 1948) [23pp]

    Econ 226A

    Jacob Marschak, “Measureable Utility and the Theory of Assets” (Abbreviated and revised version) (July 21, 1948) [5pp]

    Econ 227

    Evsey D. Domar, “Comment on L. R. Klein’s Economic Fluctuations in the United States 1921–1941 (Second draft, June 1947)” (June 1948) [8pp]

    Econ 228

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Comments on the Input-Output Technique” (October 4, 1948) [9pp]

    Econ 229

    Stanley Reiter and Gershon Cooper, “Price Flexibility in the Friedman Proposal” (October 5, 1948) [2pp]

    Econ 230

    A. R. Prest, “Some Experiments in Demand Analysis: (Section III) Significance and Value of Results” (November 16, 1948) [18pp]

    Econ 231

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Comments on Demand Analysis For Individual Commodities” (November 23, 1948) [2pp] (See Stat 321)

    Econ 232

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Computational Suggestions for Maximizing a Linear Function Subject to Linear Inequalities” (November 23, 1948) [5pp]

    Econ 233

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Comments on ‘Some Experiments in Demand analysis’ by A. R. Prest (Econ 230)” (1948) [2pp]

    Econ 234

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The Econometric Approach to Business Fluctuations (First Draft)” (December 25, 1948) [14pp]

    Econ 234A

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The Econometric Approach to Business Fluctuations (Paper)” (December 25, 1948) [15pp]

    Econ 235

    Jacob Marschak, “Liquidity of Assets and Contracts under Complete Information” [Plus amended Section 7] (December 7, 1948) [24pp]

    Econ 236

    Franco Modigliani, “Contributions to the Discussion of K. J. Arrow’s Paper on ‘The Possibility of a Universal Social Welfare Function,’ pp. 10-11” (December 10, 1948) [5pp]

    Econ 237

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Second Thoughts on Social Welfare Indices” (December 10, 1948) [13pp]

    Econ 237R

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Corrigendum to ‘Second Thoughts on Social Welfare Indices’” (December 28, 1948) [3pp]

    Econ 238

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “The Possibility of a Social Welfare Index (Abstract and Notation)” (December 16, 1948) [4pp]

    Econ 239

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Contribution to the Discussion of Professor Leontief’s Paper on ‘Recent Developments in the Study of Inter-industrial Relationships’” (1948) [3pp]

    Econ 240

    Jacob Marschak, “Third Thoughts on Liquidity and Uncertainty” (December 30, 1948) [4pp]

    Econ 241

    Carl F. Christ, “Further Comments on L.R. Klein’s Economic Fluctuations in the United States 1921–1941 (second Draft)” (January 10, 1949) [24pp]

    Econ 241A

    Carl F.  Christ, “Logical Relations between Production Function and Demand Equations for Factor” (February 4, 1949) [4pp]

    Econ 242

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Homogeneous Systems in Mathematical Economics: A Comment” (January 20, 1949) [7pp]

    Econ 243A

    Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, “Limitational Factors of Production and the Allocation of Resources (Outline)” (1949) [2pp]

    Econ 244

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Similarity as the Basis of Social Welfare Judgments” (January 26, 1949) [12pp]

    Econ 245

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “On the Proof of the Possibility Theorem for Social Welfare Functions” (January 25, 1949) [36pp]

    Commission Discussion Papers, Mathematics
    Number Title

    Math 401

    Murray Gerstenhaber, “Some Elementary Properties of Convex Polyhedral Cones” (1948) [No copy exists]

    Math 402

    David Gale, “Summary of Theory of Polyhedral Cones and Linear Inequalities” (October 6, 1949) [2pp]

    Math 403

    Morton Slater, “Lagrange Multipliers Revisited: A Contribution to Non-linear Programming” (November 7, 1950) [12pp]

    Math 404

    Morton Slater, “A Theorem on Characteristic Roots” (June 1, 1951) [2pp]

    Math 405

    Gerard Debreu, “Characteristic Roots of Non-negative Matrices” (June 1, 1951) [2pp]

    Math 406

    I. N. Herstein, “A Theorem on Characterstic Roots” (July 23, 1951) [3pp]

    Math 407

    Gerard Debreu, “Quadratic Forms Definite under Linear Constraints” (August 13, 1951) [3pp]

    Math 408

    Gerard Debreu, “Definite and Semi-definite Quadratic Forms” (September 6, 1951) [7pp]

    Math 409

    Theodore W. Anderson, “Remark on Properties of Nonnegative Matrices” (October 1, 1951) [1p]

    Math 410

    I. N. Herstein, “Positive and Nonnegative Matrices I” (October 2, 1951) [6pp]

    Math 411

    Herbert A. Simon, “Some Theorems on the Combinatorial Ranks of Matrices” (November 29, 1951) [7pp]

    Math 412

    Gerard Debreu, “Saddle Point Existence Theorems” (January 4, 1951) [13pp]

    Math 413

    Helmut Wielandt, “Indecomposable, Nonnegative Matrices” [translated from the German by I. N. Herstein] (February 5, 1952) [11pp]

    Math 414

    Gerard Debreu and I. N. Herstein, “Nonnegative, Indecomposable Matrices” (1952) [3pp]

    Math 415

    Leonid Hurwicz, “The Minkowski-Farkas Lemma for Bounded Linear Transformations in Banach Spaces” (July 16, 1952) [5pp]

    Math 416

    Leonid Hurwicz, “Minkowski-Farkas Lemma in Banach Spaces” (October 17, 1952) [5pp]

    Math 417

    Gerard Debreu and I. N. Herstein, “Nonnegative Square Matrices” (October 1, 1952) [15pp]

    Math 418

    Leonid Hurwicz, “Largrangian Saddle Points in Banach Spaces (Summary of Results)” (March 12, 1953) [7pp]

    Math 419

    I. N. Herstein, “An Index to Some Banach Space Definitions and Results” (March 16, 1953) [6pp]

    Math 420

    Leonid Hurwicz, “Maximality (‘Efficiency’) and Lagrangian Saddle Points” (March 18, 1953) [6pp]

    Math 421

    Leo Törnqvist, “Some General Mean Value Operations, and Matrice-operations Related to ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ Operations” (April 9, 1953) [10pp]

    Math 422

    Leo Törnqvist, “How to Find Optimal Admissible Summations Ways” (April 28, 1953) [11pp]

    Math 423

    Gerard Debreu, “Separation Theorems for Covex Sets” (June 2, 1953) [5pp]

    Math 424

    Leo Törnqvist, “How to Find Optimal Solutions to Assignment Problems” (August 3, 1953) [22pp]

    Math 425

    Theodore S. Motzkin, “The Assignment Problem” (March 8, 1954) [24pp]

    Math 426

    A. W. Tucker, “Transformation of Dual Linear Programs: Summary” (April 26, 1954) [3pp]

    Math 427

    Donald Bratton, “The Duality Theorem in Linear Programming” (January 6, 1955) [19pp]

    Math 428

    William S. Vickrey, “Farkas Lemma, Duality and Largrangian Multipliers” (February 14, 1955) [9pp]

    Commission Discussion Papers, Statistics
    Number Title

    Stat 301

    Herman Rubin, “Systems of Linear Stochastic Equations (Abstract)” (July 9, 1947) [2pp]

    Stat 302

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, ” Alternative Proof of Rubin’s Result (3.83) Regarding the Likelihood Function for an Incomplete Linear System” (Autumn 1947) [3pp]

    Stat 303

    Olav Reiersøl, “On the Identification Problem in Factor Analysis” (November 24, 1947) [11pp]

    Stat 304

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The Identification of Structural Characteristics” (November 25, 1947) [8pp]

    Stat 304A

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The identification of Structural Characteristics (continued)” (1947) [8pp]

    Stat 305

    George W. Rasch, “A Biometric Multidimensional Model” (November 28, 1947) [14pp]

    Stat 306

    Olav Reiersøl, “Confluence Analysis When the Model Contains Both Shocks and Errors” (December 1, 1947) [16pp]

    Stat 307

    George W. Rasch, “Remarks on Estimation” (December 16, 1947) [9pp]

    Stat 308

    Herman Rubin, “Systems of Linear Stochastic Equations” (December 23, 1947) [43pp]

    Stat 309

    Herman Rubin, “The Method of Path Coefficients of Sewall Wright” (January 1948) [1p]

    Stat 310

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Statistical Methods of Measuring Economic Relationships: Lectures Given at the University of Chicago, Autumn, 1947” (1948) [125pp, some pages faint]

    Stat 310A

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Supplement to ‘Statistical Methods of Measuring Economic Relationships, Based on Lectures Given at the University of Chicago, Autumn 1948” (1948) [53pp]

    Stat 311

    Kenneth J. Arrow, “Statistical Problems in Forecasting from Econometric Models” (1948) [10pp]

    Stat 312

    Herman Chernoff, “Gradient Methods of Maximization” (February 24, 1948) [3pp]

    Stat 312A

    Herman Chernoff, “Gradient Methods of Maximization in Estimating Economic Parameters” (1948) [3pp]

    Stat 313

    B. A. DeVries, “Note on Computation of Sampling Variances and Covariances in the Case of Reduced form Estimation” (April 19, 1948) [3pp]

    Stat 314

    Herman Chernoff, “Comparison of Computing Machines (Outline)” (June 15, 1948) [4pp]

    Stat 315

    Herman Chernoff, “The Effect of a Small Error in observations on the Limited Information Estimates of a Stochastic Equation” (July 15, 1948) [4pp]

    Stat 316

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Identification Problems in Economic Model Construction” (July 19, 1948) [24pp]

    Stat 317

    Herman Rubin, “Observations on the Computational Procedure for Maximum-likelihood Estimates” (July 27, 1948) [2pp]

    Stat 318

    Herman Rubin, “The Approximate Distribution of Calculated Disturbances” (October 6, 1948) [2pp]

    Stat 319

    Herman Rubin, “Identification Problems with Serially Correlated Disturbances I” (November 18, 1948) [3pp]

    Stat 320

    A. R. Prest, “Some Experiments in Demand Analysis: Section III. Significance and Value of Results” (November 15, 1948) [18pp]

    Stat 321

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Comments on Demand Analysis for Individual Commodities” (November 23, 1948) [2pp]

    Stat 322

    Herman Rubin, “Identification of the Parameters of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations and Asymptotic Properties of their Maximum and Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimates” (December 16, 1948) [1p]

    Stat 323

    Herman Chernoff, “Computation of Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations in the Case of Serially Correlated Disturbances” (1948) [9pp]

    Stat 324

    Leonid Hurwicz, “Some Results on Identification in Lagged Shock-error Models” (January 28, 1949) [6pp]

    Stat 325

    A. Hald, “On the Decomposition of a Series of observations Composed of a Trend, a Periodic Movement with Known Period and a Stochastic Variable by Means of a Moving Average” (January 14, 1949) [5pp]

    Stat 326

    Herman Chernoff, “Remarks on a Rational Selection of a Decision Function” (1949) [5pp]

    Stat 326A

    Herman Chernoff, “Remarks on a Rational Selection of a Decision Function” (May 17, 1949) [17pp]

    Stat 327

    Herman Rubin, “Estimation of a System of Equations with Restricted Sigma” (January 25, 1949) [2pp]

    Stat 328

    Jean Bronfenbrenner (Crockett) and Herman Chernoff, “Computational Methods Used in Limited Information Treatment of a Set of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations” (February 22, 1949) [21pp]

    Stat 329

    Herman Rubin, “Asymptotic Properties of Limited Information Estimates in Linear and Non-linear Systems” (June 17, 1949) [4pp]

    Stat 330

    Jean Bronfenbrenner (Crockett), “Extent of Least Squares Bias in Estimating a Single Stochastic Equation in a Complete System” (April 4, 1949) [5pp]

    Stat 331

    Herman Rubin, “The Existence of Measurable Utility and Psychological Probability” (1949) [5pp]

    Stat 332

    Herman Chernoff and Jean Bronfenbrenner (Crockett), “Gradient Methods of Maximization” (1949) [17pp]

    Stat 333

    Clifford Hildreth, “Preliminary Considerations Regarding Time Series and/or Cross-selection Studies” (July 18, 1949) [13pp]

    Stat 334

    Olav Reiersøl, “On the Identification Problem in Factor Analysis” (July 25, 1949) [5pp]

    Stat 335

    A. Marshall, “A Note on the Use of Tolerance Intervals as Test Regions” (July 29, 1949) [3pp]

    Stat 336

    Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The Bias in Single-equation Methods of Estimating Behavior Equation Relating to a Small Sector of the Economy” (August 1, 1949) [8pp]

    Stat 337

    Olav Reiersøl, “Identifiably of a Linear Relation Between Variables Which Are Subject to Error” (August 5, 1949) [18pp]

    Stat 338

    Erling Sverdrup, “Some Aspects of the Links between Prediction Problems and Problems of Statistical Estimation” (1949) [14pp]

    Stat 339

    Harry M. Markowitz, “The Accuracy of Naive Models” (1949) [7pp]

    Stat 340

    Carl F. Christ, “A Note on Models and Identification” (November 23, 1949) [6pp]

    Stat 341

    Carl F. Christ, “A Note on Limited Information Estimates and Methods for Their Appraisal” (November 23, 1949) [8pp]

    Stat 342

    Herman Chernoff and Herman Rubin, “Asymptotic Properties of Limited Information Estimates under Generalized Conditions” (1949) [11pp]

    Stat 343

    Stephen G. Allen, “Example of Loss of Efficiency in Structural Estimation” (December 5, 1949) [6pp]

    Stat 344

    Erling Sverdrup, “Prediction Problems and the Theory of Statistical Decision Functions” [Includes Errata] (1949) [27pp]

    Stat 345

    John Gurland, “Some Comments on Sampling Experiments by Orcutt and Cochrane” (April 18, 1950) [15pp]

    Stat 346

    Herman Chernoff, “Remarks on a Rational Selection of a Decision Function (Sequel to Stat 326 & 326A)” (April 14, 1950) [4pp]

    Stat 355 Leonid Hurwicz, "The Generalized Bayes-Minimax Principle: A Criterion for Decision-Making Under Uncertainty" (February 8, 1951) [7pp]

    Cowles Commission, Special Publications 1935–1956

    • Harold T. Davis and William F. C. Nelson, Elements of Statistics, 2nd ed., Bloomington: Principia Press, March 1937, 434pp (12,564 kb). This is a revised and enlarged edition of the first edition, published in 1935.
    • Sam H. Schurr and Jacob Marschak, Economic Aspects of Atomic Power, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950. 289pp (11,735 kb). An analysis of the potential applicability of atomic power in selected industries and its economic effects in both industrialized and underdeveloped areas.
    • H. S. Houthakker, assisted by Lester G. Telser, Commodity Futures: A Study in the Economics of Uncertainty. A study of commodity futures markets which investigates the reaction of groups concerned with these markets to uncertainty about future developments. [Note: This monograph was never completed, Chapter 1 appears as CFDP 44 (1957).]
    • Jacob Marschak, Income, Employment, and the Price Level, Augustus M. Kelley, 1951, 1951, 101pp (2,124 kb). Notes on class lectures by Jacob Marschak. Autumn, 1948 and 1949, edited and with a Preface by David I. Fand and Harry Markowitz.
    • Martin J. Beckmann and C. B. McGuire and Christopher B. Winsten, Studies in the Economics of Transportation (7,259 kb), Yale University Press, 1956, 232pp. This exploratory study of highway and railroad systems examines their theoretical aspects and develops concepts and methods for assessing the capabilities and efficiency of existing and projected traffic systems.

    Commission/Foundation, Miscellaneous, 1952–1999

    James Tobin, 1986–1996

    Tjalling C. Koopmans and Leonid V. Kantorovich, 2008
