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Research Programs

The Cowles Foundation provides support for research and research related activities through seven core Research Program Areas: Algorithms, Data, and Market DesignEconometricsEconomic TheoryIndustrial OrganizationInternational TradeLabor and Public Economics; and Macroeconomics. Each of these broad areas has deep ties to the Cowles tradition and provides a foundation for other fields of inquiry in economics and related fields.

Cowles Program Areas sponsor visiting faculty and post-docs, organize conferences, and provide other research resources at Yale.

Center for Algorithms, Data, and Market Design at Yale (CADMY)
CADMY is an innovative research center working at the intersection of computer science, economics, and data science. The Center aims to support Yale faculty and students with their research in relevant areas and will serve as a platform to host visiting faculty and postdoctoral fellows, promoting ongoing academic engagement and advancement.
Current Directors
Yale has one of the finest research groups in econometrics in the world. The Economics Department has consistently led international rankings in econometrics over the last several decades.
Current Directors
Economic Theory
Economic theory is at the center of the Cowles Foundation’s research mission. The Economic Theory group at Yale has a distinguished legacy of outstanding scholars and is characterized by a large faculty whose research spans virtually all specializations.
Current Directors
Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization at Yale is a strong and distinctive group. Many of the central ideas of the field were developed at Yale, and many of the field’s top scholars were trained here.
Current Directors
International Trade
The International Trade group at Yale extends across the Department of Economics and the School of Management and includes renowned faculty who work on theoretical, empirical, and quantitative trade models, as well as trade policy, political economy, and international finance.
Labor and Public Economics
Faculty in the Labor and Public Economics group at Yale work on a broad range of research, including the effects of taxes and welfare programs, wage and employment determination, education economics, and the analysis of racial and gender discrimination.
Current Directors
Yale has a long and storied tradition of excellence in macroeconomics. The current Macroeconomics group includes faculty leading the field in both theory and empirical research, as well as several faculty influencing current policy debates.
Current Directors