New limit theory is provided for a wide class of sample variance and covariance functionals involving both nonstationary and stationary time series. Sample functionals of this type commonly appear in regression applications and the asymptotics are particularly relevant to estimation and inference in nonlinear nonstationary regressions that involve unit root, local unit root or fractional processes. The limit theory is unusually general in that it covers both parametric and nonparametric regressions. Self normalized versions of these statistics are considered that are useful in inference. Numerical evidence reveals interesting strong bimodality in the finite sample distributions of conventional self normalized statistics similar to the bimodality that can arise in t-ratio statistics based on heavy tailed data. Bimodal behavior in these statistics is due to the presence of long memory innovations and is shown to persist for very large sample sizes even though the limit theory is Gaussian when the long memory innovations are stationary. Bimodality is shown to occur even in the limit theory when the long memory innovations are nonstationary. To address these complications new self normalized versions of the test statistics are introduced that deliver improved approximations that can be used for inference.
A general asymptotic theory is established for sample cross moments of nonstationary time series, allowing for long range dependence and local unit roots. The theory provides a substantial extension of earlier results on nonparametric regression that include near-cointegrated nonparametric regression as well as spurious nonparametric regression. Many new models are covered by the limit theory, among which are functional coefficient regressions in which both regressors and the functional covariate are nonstationary. Simulations show finite sample performance matching well with the asymptotic theory and having broad relevance to applications, while revealing how dual nonstationarity in regressors and covariates raises sensitivity to bandwidth choice and the impact of dimensionality in nonparametric regression. An empirical example is provided involving climate data regression to assess Earth’s climate sensitivity to CO2, where nonstationarity is a prominent feature of both the regressors and covariates in the model. This application is the first rigorous empirical analysis to assess nonlinear impacts of CO2 on Earth’s climate.
Limit theory is provided for a wide class of covariance functionals of a nonstationary process and stationary time series. The results are relevant to estimation and inference in nonlinear nonstationary regressions that involve unit root, local unit root or fractional processes and they include both parametric and nonparametric regressions. Self normalized versions of these statistics are considered that are useful in inference. Numerical evidence reveals a strong bimodality in the finite sample distributions that persists for very large sample sizes although the limit theory is Gaussian. New self normalized versions are introduced that deliver improved approximations.
This paper studies the asymptotic properties of empirical nonparametric regressions that partially misspecify the relationships between nonstationary variables. In particular, we analyze nonparametric kernel regressions in which a potential nonlinear cointegrating regression is misspecified through the use of a proxy regressor in place of the true regressor. Such regressions arise naturally in linear and nonlinear regressions where the regressor suffers from measurement error or where the true regressor is a latent variable. The model considered allows for endogenous regressors as the latent variable and proxy variables that cointegrate asymptotically with the true latent variable. Such a framework includes correctly specified systems as well as misspecified models in which the actual regressor serves as a proxy variable for the true regressor. The system is therefore intermediate between nonlinear nonparametric cointegrating regression (Wang and Phillips, 2009a, 2009b) and completely misspecified nonparametric regressions in which the relationship is entirely spurious (Phillips, 2009). The asymptotic results relate to recent work on dynamic misspecification in nonparametric nonstationary systems by Kasparis and Phillips (2012) and Duffy (2014). The limit theory accommodates regressor variables with autoregressive roots that are local to unity and whose errors are driven by long memory and short memory innovations, thereby encompassing applications with a wide range of economic and financial time series.
We provide a limit theory for a general class of kernel smoothed U statistics that may be used for specification testing in time series regression with nonstationary data. The framework allows for linear and nonlinear models of cointegration and regressors that have autoregressive unit roots or near unit roots. The limit theory for the specification test depends on the self intersection local time of a Gaussian process. A new weak convergence result is developed for certain partial sums of functions involving nonstationary time series that converges to the intersection local time process. This result is of independent interest and useful in other applications.
A local limit theorem is given for the sample mean of a zero energy function of a nonstationary time series involving twin numerical sequences that pass to infinity. The result is applicable in certain nonparametric kernel density estimation and regression problems where the relevant quantities are functions of both sample size and bandwidth. An interesting outcome of the theory in nonparametric regression is that the linear term is eliminated from the asymptotic bias. In consequence and in contrast to the stationary case, the Nadaraya-Watson estimator has the same limit distribution (to the second order including bias) as the local linear nonparametric estimator.
Nonparametric estimation of a structural cointegrating regression model is studied. As in the standard linear cointegrating regression model, the regressor and the dependent variable are jointly dependent and contemporaneously correlated. In nonparametric estimation problems, joint dependence is known to be a major complication that affects identification, induces bias in conventional kernel estimates, and frequently leads to ill-posed inverse problems. In functional cointegrating regressions where the regressor is an integrated time series, it is shown here that inverse and ill-posed inverse problems do not arise. Remarkably, nonparametric kernel estimation of a structural nonparametric cointegrating regression is consistent and the limit distribution theory is mixed normal, giving simple useable asymptotics in practical work. The results provide a convenient basis for inference in structural nonparametric regression with nonstationary time series. The methods may be applied to a wide range of empirical models where functional estimation of cointegrating relations is required.
We provide a new asymptotic theory for local time density estimation for a general class of functionals of integrated time series. This result provides a convenient basis for developing an asymptotic theory for nonparametric cointegrating regression and autoregression. Our treatment directly involves the density function of the processes under consideration and avoids Fourier integral representations and Markov process theory which have been used in earlier research on this type of problem. The approach provides results of wide applicability to important practical cases and involves rather simple derivations that should make the limit theory more accessible and useable in econometric applications. Our main result is applied to offer an alternative development of the asymptotic theory for non-parametric estimation of a non-linear cointegrating regression involving non-stationary time series. In place of the framework of null recurrent Markov chains as developed in recent work of Karlsen, Myklebust and Tjostheim (2007), the direct local time density argument used here more closely resembles conventional nonparametric arguments, making the conditions simpler and more easily verified.
Keywords and phrases: Brownian Local time, Cointegration, Integrated process, Local time density estimation, Nonlinear functionals, Nonparametric regression, Unit root