17th Annual Conference on General Equilibrium and its Applications
Friday, April 28 - Saturday, April 29, 2023
Eduardo Davila, Ana Fostel, John Geanakoplos, Felix Kubler, Herakles Polemarchakis, Paolo Siconolfi, and Alp Simsek

Cowles Hosts 17th Annual Conference on General Equilibrium
Photo Gallery
Photos by Jim Anderson
Friday, April 28, 2023
* Speaker
Breakfast and Registration
Sanjay R. Singh* (University of California, Davis), Sushant Acharya (Bank of Canada), Keshav Dogra (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
“The Anatomy of Financial Innovation”
Ana Babus* (Washington University in St. Louis), Matias Marzani (Washington University in St. Louis), Sara Moreira (Northwestern University)
Coffee Break
Daniel Neuhann* (University of Texas at Austin), Michael Sockin (University of Texas at Austin)
Luce Hall Courtyard, 34 Hillhouse Avenue
Russell Tsz-Nga Wong* (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond), Laura Bakkensen (University of Arizona), Toan Phan (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Robert M. Anderson (UC Berkeley), Haosui Duanmu* (UC Berkeley), M. Ali Kahn (Johns Hopkins University), Metin Uyanik (The University of Queensland)
Coffee Break
Alexandros P. Vardoulakis* (Federal Reserve), Gary B. Gorton (Yale University), Elizabeth C. Klee (Federal Reserve), Chase P. Ross (Federal Reserve), Sharon Y. Ross (U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Research)
Union League Cafe, 1032 Chapel Street
Saturday, April 29, 2023
* Speaker
Christopher Clayton* (Yale University), Amanda Dos Santos (Columbia University), Matteo Maggiori (Stanford University), Jesse Schreger (Columbia University)
Antonio Coppola* (Stanford University), Arvind Krishnamurthy (Stanford University), Chenzi Xu (Stanford University)
Coffee Break
William Diamond (University of Pennsylvania), Tim Landvoigt* (University of Pennsylvania), Germán Sánchez Sánchez (University of Pennsylvania)
Luce Hall Courtyard, 34 Hillhouse Avenue
Alexis Akira Toda* (University of California San Diego), Tomohiro Hirano (Royal Holloway University of London), Ryo Jinnai (Hitotsubashi University)
Gaetano Bloise* (Tor Vergata University of Rome), Pietro Reichlin (LUISS G. Carli)
Coffee Break
Adrien Bilal* (Harvard University)
The Yale Graduate Club, 155 Elm Street
Robert M. Anderson
(UC Berkeley)
Ana Babus
(Washington University in St. Louis)
Brendan Beare
(University of Sydney)
Francesco Beraldi
(Yale University)
Adrien Bilal
(Harvard University)
Gaetano Bloise
(Tor Vergata University of Rome)
Davide Bordoli
(Yale University)
Andres Carvajal
(University of California Davis)
Evangelia Chalioti
(Yale University)
Christopher Clayton
(Yale University)
Antonio Coppola
(Stanford University)
Eduardo Davila
(Yale University)
Olivia Ding
(Yale University)
Haosui Duanmu
(Harbin Institute of Techonology)
William English
(Yale University)
Francoise Forges
(Université Paris-Dauphine)
Ana Fostel
(University of Virginia)
John Geanakoplos
(Yale University)
Daniel Graves
(Yale University)
Tomohiro Hirano
(University of London)
Winston Hovekamp
(Yale University)
Ryo Jinnai
(Hitotsubashi University)
Philip Kalikman
(Yeshiva Univesity)
Felix Kubler
(University of Zurich)
Antzelos Kyriazis
(Yale University)
Tim Landvoigt
(University of Pennsylvania)
Raghav Malhotra
(University of Warwick)
Peter Matthews
(Middlebury College/Aaalto)
Sebastian Merkel
(University of Exeter)
Masaki Miyashita
(Yale University)
Daniel Neuhann
(University of Texas at Austin)
Toan Phan
(Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Herakles Polemarchakis
(University of Warwick)
Marta Prato
(Yale University)
David Rappoport
(Federal Reserve Board)
Chase Ross
(Federal Reserve Board)
Sharon Ross
(Federal Reserve Board)
Germán Sánchez Sánchez
(University of Pennsylvania)
Jesse Schreger
(Columbia University)
Paolo Siconolfi
(Columbia University)
Alp Simsek
(Yale University)
Sanjay Singh
(FRBSF and UC Davis)
Tony Smith
(Yale University)
Michael Sockin
(UT Austin)
Shyam Sunder
(Yale University)
Alexis Akira Toda
(University of California San Diego)
Alperen Tosun
(University of Warwick)
Dimitrios Tsomocos
(University of Oxford)
Enrique Urbano
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Alexandros Vardoulakis
(Federal Reserve Board)
Kieran Walsh
(ETH Zurich)
Xinyang Wang
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Russell Wong
(Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Xiaochuan Xing
(Balyasny Asset Management L.P.)
Seung Yong Yoo
(Yale University)
Daojing Zhai
(Yale University)
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I connect to the Yale Wi-Fi network while attending a conference?
Yale provides visitors two Wi-Fi network options:
- YaleGuest
- Eduroam
YaleGuest is a public, insecure wireless network available for anyone’s use, but has limited network access. Due to security reasons, certain programs and functionality may not be accessible via the YaleGuest network, e.g., Dropbox, Skype, and Box.
If possible, we recommended you use the Eduroam wireless network. Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, world-wide roaming access service that allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campuses when visiting other participating institutions.
If your institution is a partner, access the Eduroam network by selecting Eduroam from the Wi-Fi list on your mobile device and sign-in using your home institution’s credentials*. View Eduroam’s complete listing of U.S. participating schools; International visitors can look for institutional listings on this country page.
For additional details, please contact your institution’s IT department or search your institution’s support page.
*Credential format is typically ID@UniversityName.edu, e.g., YaleNetID@yale.edu or SUNetID@win.stanford.edu.
How do I get to the conference location from the Omni Hotel?
The conference will be held in the B120 Classroom and Atrium at 87 Trumbull Street. It is about a 15 minute walk from the Omni Hotel. The easiest route is to head northwest and cut diagonally through the New Haven Green to College Street. Follow College Street until it merges onto Prospect Street, then take a right onto Trumbull Street. 87 Trumbull Street will be on the left side of the street (see map below).
Is reimbursement offered for my travel expenses?
Yes. Please refer to the Conference Travel Reimbursement page for more information.
Is there a building map of the conference venue?
Building maps - including session locations and restrooms - will be provided once a venue is finalized.
What can I do in New Haven during my stay?
Yale and New Haven offer many attractions to bide your time while in the Elm City. Below is a list of a few:
Yale Attractions
- Yale University Art Gallery (free admission)
- Yale Center for British Art (free admission)
- Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (free with valid Yale ID)
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (open to the public)
- Yale Campus Tour
New Haven Attractions
- International Festival of Arts and Ideas (June Summer Festival)
- The New Haven Museum
- Knights of Columbus Museum
- East Rock Park (Map)
- Lighthouse Point Park
- New Haven Information Site
Performing Arts
- Yale Repertory Theater
- Yale University Theater
- Yale Symphony Orchestra
- Yale School of Music Concerts
- Yale Arts Calendar
- New Haven Shubert Theater
- Long Wharf Theater
- College Street Music Hall
- Criterion Cinemas
Where can I find a campus map?
The Cowles Foundation is located in the heart of Yale’s campus at 30 Hillhouse Avenue. Use the Yale campus map to help find your way around.
Who do I contact for assistance with Omni Hotel room reservations?
If you need assistance with an Omni Hotel room reservation, please contact Alyson Perri, Convention Services Manager, Omni Hotels.
Who do I contact in case of an emergency?
In cases of emergency, contact the appropriate department listed below:
- Police & Fire
- Emergency: 911
- Yale Police: 203-432-4400
- Security
- 203-785-5555
- Yale Health - Acute Care
- 203-432-0123
- Yale-New Haven Hospital
- 203-688-4242
- Facilities
- 203-432-6888
- Environmental Health & Safety
- 203-785-3555
- International Travel Emergencies
- 203-785-5555 (24-hour)
You can also report a crime or send an anonymous text tip through our Bulldog Mobile (LiveSafe) app. (To register for Bulldog Mobile please visit the Yale LiveSafe page)
For addtional emergency information, visit the Yale Emergency Management website.
Will transportation be provided in case of inclement weather?
Yes, a shuttle bus will be arranged to drive between the hotel and conference location. Typically, an announcement will be sent out from Darlene Smith the day before with additional information.