Preliminary Pages [i-xi] |
PART I. Wicksellian Disequilibrium Dynamics |
1 |
Dynamic Theory of the Monopolistically and Monopsonistically Competitive Firm [3] |
2 |
The Process of Expectation Formation [48] |
3 |
The Cumulative Inflation Process and Say's Laws of Markets [70] |
PART II. Keynesian Disequilibrium Dynamics in the Short Run |
4 |
The Keynesian Principle of Effective Demand [117] |
5 |
The Keynesian Theory of Slump and the Wicksellian Theory of Crisis: A Synthesis [128] |
PART III. Keynesian Disequilibrium Dynamics in the Long Run |
6 |
A Keynesian Model of Wage Adjustment [175] |
7 |
Macroscopic Steady State and the Long-Run Phillips Curve [207] |
8 |
A Model of Wage-Push Stagflation [227] |
Note for Future Research [244] |
Mathematical Appendixes [249] |
References [299] |
Index [308] |