Preliminary Pages [i-xxiii] | |
Chapter | |
1 | The Evolution of the NRA Idea [1] |
2 | The Creation of the NRA [36] |
3 | Personnel and Administration [55] |
4 | The Evolution of General Policy [83] |
5 | Hours of Work [101] |
6 | The Compulsory Shorter Work Week [122] |
7 | Wage Changes and Distributions [154] |
8 | Collective Bargaining [195] |
9 | Cost and Cost Formulas of Codes [234] |
10 | Open Prices and Terms of Sale [277] |
11 | Some Price Experiments of the NRA 305] |
12 | Fair Trade Practices and Monopoly [343] |
13 | Problems of the Small Business Man [374] |
14 | Planning for Increased Purchasing Power [417] |
15 | Further Evaluations [446] |
Appendixes | |
1 | The President's Industrial Recovery Bill and the National Industrial Act [477] |
2 | The Cotton Textile Code [512] |
3 | Pre-NRA Memoranda of Alexander Sachs Regarding the National Industrial |
4 | List of Approved Codes as of April 5, 1935 [537] |
5 | Typical Code Provisions for Adjusting Wages above Minimum [557] |
6 | Supplementary Notes on the Determination of Lowest Reasonable Cost [559] |
7 | Summary Taken from the Mitchell-Whiteside Report on the Price Hearing in January, 1934 [561] |
8 | Unanimous Decision of the Supreme Court Invalidating the NIRA [563] |
Indexes: Index of Names, General Index [583] |
Publication Date
January 1937