NRA Economic Planning January 1937 CFM 2 Author(s) Charles F. Roos Abstract Preliminary Pages [i-xxiii] Chapter 1 The Evolution of the NRA Idea [1] 2 The Creation of the NRA [36] 3 Personnel and Administration [55] 4 The Evolution of General Policy [83] 5 Hours of Work [101] 6 The Compulsory Shorter Work Week [122] 7 Wage Changes and Distributions [154] 8 Collective Bargaining [195] 9 Cost and Cost Formulas of Codes [234] 10 Open Prices and Terms of Sale [277] 11 Some Price Experiments of the NRA 305] 12 Fair Trade Practices and Monopoly [343] 13 Problems of the Small Business Man [374] 14 Planning for Increased Purchasing Power [417] 15 Further Evaluations [446] Appendixes 1 The President's Industrial Recovery Bill and the National Industrial Act [477] 2 The Cotton Textile Code [512] 3 Pre-NRA Memoranda of Alexander Sachs Regarding the National Industrial 4 List of Approved Codes as of April 5, 1935 [537] 5 Typical Code Provisions for Adjusting Wages above Minimum [557] 6 Supplementary Notes on the Determination of Lowest Reasonable Cost [559] 7 Summary Taken from the Mitchell-Whiteside Report on the Price Hearing in January, 1934 [561] 8 Unanimous Decision of the Supreme Court Invalidating the NIRA [563] Indexes: Index of Names, General Index [583]
Dynamic Economics: Theoretical and Statistical Studies of Demand, Production and Prices January 1934 CFM 1 Author(s) Charles F. Roos Abstract Preliminary Pages [i-xvi] Chapter 1 Static Versus Dynamic Economics [1] 2 Demand for Consumer Goods [13] 3 Automotive Demand for Gasoline [24] 4 Demand for Agricultural Products [45] 5 Demand for Capital Goods [53] 6 Factors Influencing Residential Building [69] 7 Growth and Decline of Industry [111] 8 Joint Demand and Loss Leaders [128] 9 Production, Cost and Profit [148] 10 Adjustments of Cost [174] 11 Productive Incentives [186] 12 Behavior of Free and Restrained Prices [205] 13 Exchange in a Capitalistic Economy [233] Appendices 1 Correlation of Time Series [246] 2 Analysis of Random Errors in Time Series [251] 3 Reliability of Data Relating to Residential Building [255] 4 Transformation of Integral Range 260] 5 Technique for Fitting Formulas Involving Integrals [264] 6 Inadequacy of Lag Formulas for Maximizing Income over Periods of Time [267] 7 Problem of Lagrange in the Calculus of Variations [270] Index [273]