Preliminary Pages [i-xx] |
Chapter |
1 |
Economic Measurements for Policy and Prediction, by Jacob Marschak [1] |
2 |
Identification Problems in Economic Model Construction, by Tjalling C. Koopmans [27] |
3 |
Causal Ordering and Identifiability, by Herbert A. Simon [49] |
4 |
Methods of Measuring the Marginal Propensity to Consume, by Trygve Haavelmo [75] |
5 |
Statistical Analysis of the Demand for Food: Example of Simultaneous Estimation of Structural Equations, by M.A. Girshick and Trygve Haavelmo [92] |
6 |
The Estimation of Simultaneous Linear Economic Relationships, by Tjalling C. Koopmans and William C. Hood [112] |
7 |
Asymptotic Properties of Limited-Information Estimates under Generalized Conditions, by Herman Chernoff and Herman Rubin [200] |
8 |
An Example of Loss of Efficiency in Structural Estimation, by S.G. Allen, Jr. [213] |
9 |
Sources and Size of Leasst-Squares Bias in a Two-Equation Model, by Jean Bronfenbrenner [221] |
10 |
The Computation of Maximum-Likelihood Estimates of Linear Structural Equations, by Herman Chernoff and Nathan Divinsky [236] |
Corrections to Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Models, Cowles Commission Monograph 10 [303] |
References [305] |
Index of Names & Subject Index [313] |