We introduce a new class of algorithms, stochastic generalized method of moments (SGMM), for estimation and inference on (overidentified) moment restriction models. Our SGMM is a novel stochastic approximation alternative to the popular Hansen (1982) (offline) GMM, and offers fast and scalable implementation with the ability to handle streaming datasets in real time. We establish the almost sure convergence, and the (functional) central limit theorem for the inefficient online 2SLS and the efficient SGMM. Moreover, we propose online versions of the Durbin–Wu–Hausman and Sargan–Hansen tests that can be seamlessly integrated within the SGMM framework. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations show that as the sample size increases, the SGMM matches the standard (offline) GMM in terms of estimation accuracy and gains over computational efficiency, indicating its practical value for both large-scale and online datasets. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by a proof of concept using two well-known empirical examples with large sample sizes.
We introduce two data-driven procedures for optimal estimation and inference in nonparametric models using instrumental variables. The first is a data-driven choice of sieve dimension for a popular class of sieve two-stage least-squares estimators. When implemented with this choice, estimators of both the structural function h0 and its derivatives (such as elasticities) converge at the fastest possible (i.e. minimax) rates in sup-norm. The second is for constructing uniform confidence bands (UCBs) for h0 and its derivatives. Our UCBs guarantee coverage over a generic class of data-generating processes and contract at the minimax rate, possibly up to a logarithmic factor. As such, our UCBs are asymptotically more efficient than UCBs based on the usual approach of undersmoothing. As an application, we estimate the elasticity of the intensive margin of firm exports in a monopolistic competition model of international trade. Simulations illustrate the good performance of our procedures in empirically calibrated designs. Our results provide evidence against common parameterizations of the distribution of unobserved firm heterogeneity.
We develop a state-space model with a transition equation that takes the form of a functional vector autoregression (VAR) and stacks macroeconomic aggregates and a cross-sectional density. The measurement equation captures the error in estimating log densities from repeated cross-sectional samples. The log densities and their transition kernels are approximated by sieves, which leads to a finite-dimensional VAR for macroeconomic aggregates and sieve coefficients. With this model, we study the dynamics of technology shocks, GDP (gross domestic product), employment, and the earnings distribution. We find that spillovers between aggregate and distributional dynamics are generally small, that a positive technology shock tends to decrease inequality, and that a shock that raises earnings inequality leads to a small and insignificant GDP response.
We propose a new adaptive hypothesis test for inequality (e.g., monotonicity, convexity) and equality (e.g., parametric, semiparametric) restrictions on a structural function in a nonparametric instrumental variables (NPIV) model. Our test statistic is based on a modified leave-one-out sample analog of a quadratic distance between the restricted and unrestricted sieve two-stage least squares estimators. We provide computationally simple, data-driven choices of sieve tuning parameters and Bonferroni adjusted chi-squared critical values. Our test adapts to the unknown smoothness of alternative functions in the presence of unknown degree of endogeneity and unknown strength of the instruments. It attains the adaptive minimax rate of testing in L2. That is, the sum of the supremum of type I error over the composite null and the supremum of type II error over nonparametric alternative models cannot be minimized by any other tests for NPIV models of unknown regularities. Confidence sets in L2 are obtained by inverting the adaptive test. Simulations confirm that, across different strength of instruments and sample sizes, our adaptive test controls size and its finite-sample power greatly exceeds existing non-adaptive tests for monotonicity and parametric restrictions in NPIV models. Empirical applications to test for shape restrictions of differentiated products demand and of Engel curves are presented.
This paper considers estimation of short-run dynamics in time series that contain a nonstationary component. We assume that appropriate preliminary methods can be applied to the observed time series to separate short-run elements from long-run slowly evolving secular components, and focus on estimation of the short-run dynamics based on the filtered data. We use a flexible copula-generated Markov model to capture the nonlinear temporal dependence in the short-run component and study estimation of the copula model. Using the rescaled empirical distribution of the filtered data as an estimator of the marginal distribution, Chen et al. (2022) proposed a simple, yet flexible, two-step estimation procedure for the copula model. The two-step estimator works well when the tail dependence is small. However, simulations reveal that the two-step estimator may be biased in finite samples in the presence of tail dependence. To improve the performance of short-term dynamic analysis in the presence of tail dependence, we propose in this paper a pseudo sieve maximum likelihood (PSML) procedure to jointly estimate the residual copula parameter and the invariant density of the filtered residuals. We establish the root-consistency and asymptotic distribution of the PSML estimator of any smooth functional of the residual copula parameter and invariant residual density. We further show that the PSML estimator of the residual copula parameter is asymptotically normal, with the limiting distribution independent of the filtration. Simulations reveal that in the presence of strong tail dependence, compared to the two-step estimates of Chen et al. (2022), the proposed PSML estimates have smaller biases and smaller mean squared errors even in small samples. Applications to nonstationary macro-finance and climate time series are presented.
Semiparametric efficient estimation of various multi-valued causal effects, including quantiletreatment effects, is important in economic, biomedical, and other social sciences. Under the unconfoundedness condition, adjustment for confounders requires estimating the nuisance functions relating outcome or treatment to confounders nonparametrically. This paper considers a generalized optimization framework for efficient estimation of general treatment effects using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to approximate the unknown nuisance function of growing-dimensional confounders. We establish a new approximation error bound for the ANNs to the nuisance function belonging to a mixed smoothness class without a known sparsity structure. We show that the ANNs can alleviate the “curse of dimensionality” under this circumstance. We establish the root- consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed general treatment effects estimators, and apply a weighted bootstrap procedure for conducting inference. The proposed methods are illustrated via simulation studies and a real data application.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can be viewed as nonlinear sieves that can approximate complex functions of high dimensional variables more effectively than linear sieves. We investigate the computational performance of various ANNs in nonparametric instrumental variables (NPIV) models of moderately high dimensional covariates that are relevant to empirical economics. We present two efficient procedures for estimation and inference on a weighted average derivative (WAD): an orthogonalized plug-in with optimally-weighted sieve minimum distance (OP-OSMD) procedure and a sieve efficient score (ES) procedure. Both estimators for WAD use ANN sieves to approximate the unknown NPIV function and are root-n asymptotically normal and first-order equivalent. We provide a detailed practitioner’s recipe for implementing both efficient procedures. This involves the choice of tuning parameters for the unknown NPIV, the conditional expectations and the optimal weighting function that are present in both procedures but also the choice of tuning parameters for the unknown Riesz representer in the ES procedure. We compare their finite-sample performances in various simulation designs that involve smooth NPIV function of up to 13 continuous covariates, different nonlinearities and covariate correlations. Some Monte Carlo findings include: 1) tuning and optimization are more delicate in ANN estimation; 2) given proper tuning, both ANN estimators with various architectures can perform well; 3) easier to tune ANN OP-OSMD estimators than ANN ES estimators; 4) stable inferences are more difficult to achieve with ANN (than spline) estimators; 5) there are gaps between current implementations and approximation theories. Finally, we apply ANN NPIV to estimate average partial derivatives in two empirical demand examples with multivariate covariates.
We introduce computationally simple, data-driven procedures for estimation and inference on a structural function h0 and its derivatives in nonparametric models using instrumental variables. Our first procedure is a bootstrap-based, data-driven choice of sieve dimension for sieve nonparametric instrumental variables (NPIV) estimators. When implemented with this data-driven choice, sieve NPIV estimators of h0 and its derivatives are adaptive: they converge at the best possible (i.e., minimax) sup-norm rate, without having to know the smoothness of h0, degree of endogeneity of the regressors, or instrument strength. Our second procedure is a data-driven approach for constructing honest and adaptive uniform confidence bands (UCBs) for h0 and its derivatives. Our data-driven UCBs guarantee coverage for h0 and its derivatives uniformly over a generic class of data-generating processes (honesty) and contract at, or within a logarithmic factor of, the minimax sup-norm rate (adaptivity). As such, our data-driven UCBs deliver asymptotic efficiency gains relative to UCBs constructed via the usual approach of undersmoothing. In addition, both our procedures apply to nonparametric regression as a special case. We use our procedures to estimate and perform inference on a nonparametric gravity equation for the intensive margin of firm exports and find evidence against common parameterizations of the distribution of unobserved firm productivity.
We develop a state-space model with a state-transition equation that takes the form of a functional vector autoregression and stacks macroeconomic aggregates and a cross-sectional density. The measurement equation captures the error in estimating log densities from repeated cross-sectional samples. The log densities and the transition kernels in the law of motion of the states are approximated by sieves, which leads to a nite-dimensional representation in terms of macroeconomic aggregates and sieve coefficients. We use this model to study the joint dynamics of technology shocks, per capita GDP, employment rates, and the earnings distribution. We nd that the estimated spillovers between aggregate and distributional dynamics are generally small, a positive technology shock tends to decrease inequality, and a shock that raises the inequality of earnings leads to a small but not signifi cant increase in GDP.
This paper develops a method informed by data and models to recover information about investor beliefs. Our approach uses information embedded in forward-looking asset prices in conjunction with asset pricing models. We step back from presuming rational expectations and entertain potential belief distortions bounded by a statistical measure of discrepancy. Additionally, our method allows for the direct use of sparse survey evidence to make these bounds more informative. Within our framework, market-implied beliefs may differ from those implied by rational expectations due to behavioral/psychological biases of investors, ambiguity aversion, or omitted permanent components to valuation. Formally, we represent evidence about investor beliefs using a nonlinear expectation function deduced using model-implied moment conditions and bounds on statistical divergence. We illustrate our method with a prototypical example from macrofinance using asset market data to infer belief restrictions for macroeconomic growth rates.
We study identification and inference in first-price auctions with risk averse bidders and selective entry, building on a flexible entry and bidding framework we call the Affiliated Signal with Risk Aversion (AS-RA) model. Assuming that the econometrician observes either exogenous variation in the number of potential bidders (N) or a continuous instrument (z) shifting opportunity costs of entry, we provide a sharp characterization of the nonparametric restrictions implied by equilibrium bidding. Given variation in either competition or costs, this characterization implies that risk neutrality is nonparametrically testable in the sense that if bidders are strictly risk averse, then no risk neutral model can rationalize the data. In addition, if both instruments (discrete N and continuous z) are available, then the model primitives are nonparametrically point identified. We then explore inference based on these identification results, focusing on set inference and testing when primitives are set identified. Keywords: Auctions, entry, risk aversion, identification, set inference.
Economic and financial time series data can exhibit nonstationary and nonlinear patterns si- multaneously. This paper studies copula-based time series models that capture both patterns. We introduce a procedure where nonstationarity is removed via a filtration, and then the nonlinear temporal dependence in the filtered data is captured via a flexible Markov copula. We propose two estimators of the copula dependence parameters: the parametric (two-step) copula estimator where the marginal distribution of the filtered series is estimated parametrically; and the semiparametric (two-step) copula estimator where the marginal distribution is estimated via a rescaled empirical distribution of the filtered series. We show that the limiting distribution of the parametric copula estimator depends on the nonstationary filtration and the parametric marginal distribution estimation, and may be non-normal. Surprisingly, the limiting distribution of the semiparametric copula estimator using the filtered data is shown to be the same as that without nonstationary filtration, which is normal and free of marginal distribution specification. The simple and robust properties of the semiparametric copula estimators extend to models with misspecified copulas, and facilitate statistical inferences, such as hypothesis testing and model selection tests, on semiparametric copula-based dynamic models in the presence of nonstationarity. Monte Carlo studies and real data applications are presented.
Economic and financial time series data can exhibit nonstationary and nonlinear patterns simultaneously. This paper studies copula-based time series models that capture both patterns. We propose a procedure where nonstationarity is removed via a filtration, and then the nonlinear temporal dependence in the filtered data is captured via a flexible Markov copula. We study the asymptotic properties of two estimators of the parametric copula dependence parameters: the parametric (two-step) copula estimator where the marginal distribution of the filtered series is estimated parametrically; and the semiparametric (two-step) copula estimator where the marginal distribution is estimated via a rescaled empirical distribution of the filtered series. We show that the limiting distribution of the parametric copula estimator depends on the nonstationary filtration and the parametric marginal distribution estimation, and may be non-normal. Surprisingly, the limiting distribution of the semiparametric copula estimator using the filtered data is shown to be the same as that without nonstationary filtration, which is normal and free of marginal distribution specification. The simple and robust properties of the semiparametric copula estimators extend to models with misspecified copulas, and facilitate statistical inferences, such as hypothesis testing and model selection tests, on semiparametric copula-based dynamic models in the presence of nonstationarity. Monte Carlo studies and real data applications are presented.