This paper proposes empirical likelihood based inference methods for causal effects identified from regression discontinuity designs. We consider both the sharp and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs and treat the regression functions as nonparametric. The proposed inference procedures do not require asymptotic variance estimation and the confidence sets have natural shapes, unlike the conventional Wald-type method. These features are illustrated by simulations and an empirical example which evaluates the effect of class size on pupils’ scholastic achievements. Bandwidth selection methods, higher-order properties, and extensions to incorporate additional covariates and parametric functional forms are also discussed.
Nonparametric additive modeling is a fundamental tool for statistical data analysis which allows flexible functional forms for conditional mean or quantile functions but avoids the curse of dimensionality for fully nonparametric methods induced by high-dimensional covariates. This paper proposes empirical likelihood-based inference methods for unknown functions in three types of nonparametric additive models: (i) additive mean regression with the identity link function, (ii) generalized additive mean regression with a known non-identity link function, and (iii) additive quantile regression. The proposed empirical likelihood ratio statistics for the unknown functions are asymptotically pivotal and converge to chi-square distributions, and their associated confidence intervals possess several attractive features compared to the conventional Wald-type confidence intervals.
This paper studies moderate deviation behaviors of the generalized method of moments and generalized empirical likelihood estimators for generalized estimating equations, where the number of equations can be larger than the number of unknown parameters. We consider two cases for the data generating probability measure: the model assumption and local contaminations or deviations from the model assumption. For both cases, we characterize the first-order terms of the moderate deviation error probabilities of these estimators. Our moderate deviation analysis complements the existing literature of the local asymptotic analysis and misspecification analysis for estimating equations, and is useful to evaluate power and robust properties of statistical tests for estimating equations which typically involve some estimators for nuisance parameters.
This paper studies large deviation properties of the generalized method of moments and generalized empirical likelihood estimators for moment restriction models. We consider two cases for the data generating probability measure: the model assumption and local deviations from the model assumption. For both cases, we derive conditions where these estimators have exponentially small error probabilities for point estimation.
We propose non-nested hypotheses tests for conditional moment restriction models based on the method of generalized empirical likelihood (GEL). By utilizing the implied GEL probabilities from a sequence of unconditional moment restrictions that contains equivalent information of the conditional moment restrictions, we construct Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises type moment encompassing tests. Advantages of our tests over Otsu and Whang’s (2007) tests are: (i) they are free from smoothing parameters, (ii) they can be applied to weakly dependent data, and (iii) they allow non-smooth moment functions. We derive the null distributions, validity of a bootstrap procedure, and local and global power properties of our tests. The simulation results show that our tests have reasonable size and power performance in finite samples.
We propose non-nested tests for competing conditional moment restriction models using a method of empirical likelihood. Our tests are based on the method of conditional empirical likelihood developed by Kitamura, Tripathi and Ahn (2004) and Zhang and Gijbels (2003). By using the conditional implied probabilities, we develop three non-nested tests: the moment encompassing, Cox-type, and efficient score encompassing tests. Compared to the existing non-nested tests which mainly focus on testing unconditional moment restrictions, our approach directly tests conditional moment restrictions which imply the infinite number of unconditional moment restrictions. We derive the null distributions and power properties of the proposed tests. Simulation experiments show that our tests have reasonable finite sample properties.