People Visiting Faculty Administrative Staff Postdoctoral Fellows Research Staff Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 Name Field of Interest - Any -AccountingAlgorithms, Data, and Market DesignAntitrust & RegulationAntitrust Economics & EnforcementApplied EconometricsApplied EconomicsApplied MacroeconomicsApplied Microeconomic TheoryApplied MicroeconomicsAsia and the Broader EconomyAsset PricingAsymmetric Information & Incomplete MarketsBank RegulationBankingBankruptcy LawBehavioral EconomicsBehavioral FinanceBehavioral Law & EconomicsBig DataBusiness Organizational FormsClimate PolicyComputational EconomicsConsumer Choice DynamicsConsumer FinanceContract TheoryContracts & InstitutionsCooperationCorporate FinanceCorporate GovernanceCorporate LawCreativityCultureDecision TheoryDevelopment EconomicsDigital StrategyDynamic ContractsDynamic IncentivesDynamic Strategic GamesEconometric ModelingEconometricsEconomic GrowthEconomic HistoryEconomic TheoryEconomics of EducationEconomics of InnovationEconomics of Race RelationsEconomics of SchoolingEconomics of TerrorismEducationEmpirical modeling in Macroeconomics and FinanceEmpirical Models of Product Differentiation and Market EquilibriumEnergy EconomicsEntrepreneurshipEnvironmental & Energy EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEvolutionary Foundations of Economic BehaviorExperimental EconomicsField ExperimentsFinanceFinancial EconomicsFinancial InclusionFinancial MarketsFinancial Social NetworksFinancial StatementsFormal TheoryGame TheoryGenderGender EconomicsGeophysicsGlobalizationGrowth TheoryHealth Care EconomicsHealth Care Economics & OrganizationsHealth EconomicsHedge FundsHistorical DevelopmentHuman CapitalIndustrial OrganizationInformation EconomicsInnovationInternational EconomicsInternational FinanceInternational MigrationInternational Political EconomyInternational RelationsInternational TradeJob SearchLaborLabor EconomicsLabor MarketsLarge GamesLaw and EconomicsLearning and Information Acquisition in MarketsLiquidity & Price FormationMachine LearningMacro DevelopmentMacroeconomic ForecastingMacroeconomic ModelsMacroeconomicsMacroeconomics & FinanceMacroeconomics & LawManufacturingMarket DesignMarket OrganizationMarketingMathematical EconomicsMathematical StatisticsMechanism DesignMicro Foundations of MacroeconomicsMicroeconometricsMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomicsMicroeconomics of Development in AfricaMonetary and Banking TheoryMonetary EconomicsNetworksNeuroeconomics/GenoeconomicsNonprofitsOnline MediaOptimal Fiscal PolicyOptimizationOrganizational BehaviorOrganizational EconomicsPanel and Spatial EconometricsPersonnel & Labor EconomicsPharmaceutical and Medical Device RegulationPolitical EconomyPrivate EquityProbability TheoryPublic EconomicsPublic FinancePublic PolicyRepeated GamesRepeated Games and ReputationsResource EconomicsRisk ManagementSecuritySimulation Based Econometric MethodsSocial NetworksSocial ProtectionSocial SecuritySpatial EconomicsSports EconomicsStatisticsTax LawTime SeriesTradeTrade PolicyTransportation EconomicsU.S. Banking SystemUrban and Environmental Law & EconomicsUrban EconomicsValuationVerification Samuel Kortum Director of the Cowles Foundation (2023-26), James Burrows Moffatt Professor of Economics Costas Arkolakis Professor of Economics Lorenzo Caliendo Won Park Hahn Professor of Global Affairs and Management, Professor of Economics, and Deputy Dean Jackson School of Global Affairs Ray C. Fair John M. Musser Professor of Economics Mayara Felix Assistant Professor of Economics and Global Affairs Mayara Felix Dates: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg William Nordhaus Professor of Economics and Global Affairs Amit Khandelwal Dong-Soo Hahn Professor of Global Affairs and Economics Giovanni Maggi Howard H. Leach Professor of Economics and International Affairs; Director of Undergraduate Studies Guillermo Noguera Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Scientist Michael Peters Associate Professor of Economics Peter Schott Juan Trippe Professor of International Economics Diana Van Patten Assistant Professor Vestal McIntyre
Samuel Kortum Director of the Cowles Foundation (2023-26), James Burrows Moffatt Professor of Economics
Lorenzo Caliendo Won Park Hahn Professor of Global Affairs and Management, Professor of Economics, and Deputy Dean Jackson School of Global Affairs
Mayara Felix Assistant Professor of Economics and Global Affairs Mayara Felix Dates: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024
Giovanni Maggi Howard H. Leach Professor of Economics and International Affairs; Director of Undergraduate Studies