Congratulations to the Economics PhD Class of 2022!

The Department of Economics would like to give a heartfelt congratulations to the class of 2022! Below we highlight the achievements and next steps of this diverse group of PhD graduates. Welcome to the Yale alumni community and we wish you the best in what comes next!
Julian Aramburu
Julian studies the effects of labor market policies on workers from underrepresented groups, and his research interests include applied economics, labor, and development economics. Julian will join Amazon as an Economist this Summer.
Read more about Julian’s research at:
Follow Julian on Twitter: @JulianAram
Vitor Augusto Possebom
Vitor’s research interests include Theoretical and Applied Microeconometrics. He currently focuses on identification challenges with more than one source of endogeneity, such as problems that combine self-selection into treatment with sample selection or misclassification. Vitor’s job market paper, titled “Crime and Mismeasured Punishment: Marginal Treatment Effect with Misclassification,” analyzes the impact of alternative sentences – e.g., fines or community services – on recidivism using random assignment of judges within Brazilian court districts. After Yale, Vitor will join the São Paulo School of Economics - Fundação Getulio Vargas as an Assistant Professor.
Vitor’s personal website is:
Follow Vitor on Twitter: @PossebomVitor
Nathan Barker
Nathan studies development, labor, and public economics, with a focus on how individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa respond to urbanization and non-farm opportunities, and on the design of social protection programs in developing countries. Nathan’s job market paper, titled “The Effects of Female Land Inheritance on Economic Productivity in Ghana,” examines the variation in inheritance customs across different ethnic groups. After Yale, Nate is joining University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
Nathan’s personal website is:
Paula Calvo
Paula’s research interests include Labor and Family Economics. Her current research investigates the interplay between family structures and labor market outcomes, with a focus on gender gaps and children outcomes. Paula’s job market paper, titled “The Effects of Institutional Gaps Between Marriage and Cohabitation,” explores how institutional differences between marriage and non-marital co-habitation affect household formation, individual’s welfare, and child human capital. In the Summer of 2022, Paula will join Arizona State University as an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department.
Paula’s personal website is:
Follow Paula on Twitter: @pauliecalvo
John Finlay
John’s research interests include international trade and macroeconomics. His job market paper, “Exporters, Credit Constraints, and Misallocation,” explores how credit policy affects the behavior of Indian exporting firms. After Yale, John is joining Columbia Business School for a one year postdoc, and then taking a position as Assistant Professor at Imperial College London.
John’s personal website is:
Jonathan Hawkins-Pierot
Jonathan’s research interests center on the effects of large-scale regulatory policy. He is particularly interested in using methods from empirical industrial organization to estimate the equilibrium impacts of such policies and evaluate the likely impacts of counterfactual policies. Jonathan’s job market paper, “The Price of Financial Inclusion: Equilibrium Effects of Rural Banking Policy in India,” explores how a rural branch expansion policy in India reshaped the bank branch network as a whole. After Yale, Jonathan will work as an economist in the Research, Markets, and Regulations Division of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in Washington, D.C.
Jonathan’s personal website is:
Follow Jonathan on Twitter: @HawkinsPierot
Koohyun Kwon
Koohyun’s research focuses on statistical inference methods for nonparametric regression models, with applications to heterogeneous treatment effects and regression discontinuity designs. Koohyun’s job market paper, titled “Bias-Aware Inference for Conditional Average Treatment Effect Functions,” proposes a new a new method to construct a confidence band for the conditional treatment average treatment effect (CATE), as a function of a continuous covariate in a randomized controlled trial. After Yale, Koohyun will work at Capital One as a Quantitative Associate.
Koohyun’s personal website is:
Connect with Koohyun on LinkedIn: Koohyun Kwon
Weicheng Min
Weicheng’s research interests include microeconomic theory and behavioral economics, with focus on strategic information transmission and bounded rationality. His job market paper, titled “Expert Recommenders and Reputation Failure,” explores whether career concerns contribute to the value of expert recommenders. Weicheng will join Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2022.
Weicheng’s personal website is:
Ahyan Panjwani
Ahyan’s research interests are in macro-finance and climate change with current work focusing on the effects of climate change on various asset classes, households, and communities. His job market paper, titled “Underwater: The Effect of Federal Policies on Households’ Exposure to Climate Change Risk,” shows how reversing existing government policies can reduce the number of low and moderate wealth homeowners’ exposed to flood risk. In Fall 2022, Anyan will be starting as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board (Financial Stability Division).
Ahyan’s personal website is:
Follow Ahyan on Twitter: @ahyanpanjwani
Luca Perdoni
Luca’s research interests include Labor and Urban Economics, and his current research investigates sources of inequality such as government redlining and family structure. Luca’s job market paper, joint with Disa Hynsjo and titled “The Effects of Federal “Redlining” Maps: A Novel Estimation Strategy,” proposes a new empirical strategy to estimate the causal effects of 1930s federal “redlining” — the mapping and grading of US neighborhoods by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). After Yale, Luca will be joining the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh as an Early Career Researcher.
Luca’s personal website is:
Follow Luca on Twitter: @luca__perdoni
Sourav Sinha
Sourav’s primary field of research is labor economics and he explores how private information affects labor market outcomes. In his job market paper, titled “US Salary History Bans: Strategic Disclosure by Job Applicants and the Gender Pay Gap,” Sourav analyzes salary history bans which restrict employers from asking job applicants about their pay history but allows candidates to voluntarily share information. He has also conducted policy-focused research on a 2011 pay transparency law in Austria which requires firms to provide average salary information to their employees. After Yale, Sourav will join Google where he will leverage causal inference and survey methods as a data scientist.
Sourav’s personal website is:
Follow Sourav on Twitter: @sinhasouravs
Jaehee Song
Jaehee’s research interests are Urban and Real Estate Economics, Public Economics, and Industrial Organization. Her current research studies residential zoning in the United States. Jaehee’s job market paper, titled “The Effects of Residential Zoning in U.S. Housing Markets,” examines the effects of minimum lot area restrictions on housing prices, construction, and residential sorting in the United States. In summer 2022, Jaehee will join the University of Colorado Boulder (Leeds School of Business) as an Assistant Professor of Finance and Real Estate.
Jaehee’s personal website is:
Follow Jaehee on Twitter: @Jaeheeasy
Xiaochuan Xing
Xiaochuan’s research interest is primarily Macro-finance, and his job market paper, titled “Collateral, leverage, and the business cycle,” studies how leverage endogenously crystallizes and fluctuates over the business cycle by focusing on collateral and default in an infinite-horizon production economy. He solves the global numerical solution of the model using the method of policy function iteration and shows that leverage is pro-cyclical if there is more downside risk. After Yale, Xiaochuan will join Balyasny Asset Management L.P. as a FX researcher and trader.
Connect with Xiaochuan on LinkedIn: Xiaochuan Xing
Kohei Yata
Kohei’s research interests are in econometric theory and applied econometrics, and particularly in policy evaluation and optimization. Kohei’s job market paper, titled “Optimal Decision Rules Under Partial Identification,” considers a class of statistical decision problems in which the policy maker must decide between two alternative policies to maximize social welfare (e.g., the population mean of an outcome) based on a finite sample. The paper uses an empirical application to a school construction program in Burkina Faso, where villages were selected to receive schools based on scores computed from their characteristics. In August 2022, Kohei will join the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an Assistant Professor.
Kohei’s personal website is: