2020-21 Arvid Anderson Fellows Announced
The Cowles Foundation has announced the 2020-21 recipients of the Arvid Anderson Prize Fellowship in Economics.

The Cowles Foundation has announced the 2020-21 recipients of the Arvid Anderson Prize Fellowship in Economics. The five graduate students are: Zijian He (international trade and macroeconomics), Disa Hynjo (labor economimcs), Masaki Miyashita (decision theory and social choice), Vitor Possebom (econometrics and applied microeconometrics), and Trever Williams (macroeconomics and spatial economics). The fellowship prize is awarded annually to one or more pre-doctoral or post-doctoral students who are selected by a committee of Cowles professors in the Department of Economics with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. The cash prize also includes time off from academic duties for one semester, giving students time to concentrate on their research. With the fellowship’s purpose to foster the advancement of economic research, the award was established in 1982 by the award’s namesake, Carl Arvid Anderson. Mr. Anderson created the award out of inspiration from a scholarship he received as an Yale undergraduate, to which he attributes in helping him earn a B.A. in Economics in 1936. In Anderson’s own words, the fund is intended to “promote the development of more effective methods of inquiry in economics and the dissemination of information resulting from such studies.” Since its foundation, over 130 recipients have been awarded the fellowship.