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Trade Day April 2023

Organizers: Lydia Cox & Guillermo Noguera


Time Title Presented by Location
12:00 - 1:15 PM (with lunch) "The Gains from Foreign Investment in an Economy with Distortions" Isabela Manelici (London School of Economics) & Jose Vasquez (London School of Economics, Department of Management) B120
1:15-1:45 PM Coffee break   B120 Atrium
1:45-3:00 PM "Market Size and Trade in Medical Services" Jonathan Dingel (University of Chicago Booth School of Business) B120
3:00-3:30 PM Coffee break   B120 Atrium
3:30-4:45 PM "The Geography of Knowledge Production: Connecting Islands and Ideas" Andrew Bernard (Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College) B120
4:45-5:30 PM Reception   B120 Atrium


Pol Antras
Harvard University

Andrew Bernard
Dartmouth College

Mayara Felix
Princeton University

Sun Kyoung Lee
University of Michigan

Yuhei Miyauchi
Boston University

Sharon Traiberman
New York University

David Argente
Pennsylvania State University

Federico Esposito
Tufts University

Danial Lashkari
Boston College

Nelson Lind
Emory University

Fernando Parro
Pennsylvania State University