2021 Conference on International Trade
June 7, 2021
Location: Virtual
Organizers: Pol Antras and Guillermo Noguera
Note: The first session will start in Zoom.
Monday, June 7
"Moving Parts: When More Restrictive Content Rules Backfire"
Keith Head (University of British Columbia), Thierry Mayer (Sciences Po), *Marc Melitz (Harvard University)
"Spatial Production Networks"
Costas Arkolakis (Yale University), *Federico Huneeus (Central Bank of Chile), Yuhei Miyauchi (Boston University)
Vanessa Alviarez (University of British Columbia), Michele Fioretti (Sciences Po), *Ken Kikkawa (University of British Columbia), Monica Morlacco (University of Southern California)
"Firm Heterogeneity and Imperfect Competition in Global Production Networks"
Hanwei Huang (City University of Hong Kong), *Kalina Manova (University College London), Frank Pisch (University of St. Gallen)
"Who Benefits from Foreign Demand Shocks?"
Emmanuel Dhyne (National Bank of Belgium ), Ken Kikkawa (University of British Columbia), Toshiaki Komatsu (University of Chicago), Magne Mogstad (University of Chicago)
"Earnings Inequality in Production Networks"
Federico Huneeus (Central Bank of Chile), Kory Kroft (University of Toronto), *Kevin Lim (University of Toronto)
Michael Sposi (Southern Methodist University), *Kei-Mu Yi (University of Houston), Jing Zhang (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
"Growth and the Fragmentation of Production"
*Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po), Ezra Oberfield (Princeton University)
"Market Structure, Vertical Integration and Farmers Welfare in the Costa Rica Coffee Industry"
Fabrizio Leone (Université Libre de Bruxelles), *Rocco Macchiavello (London School of Economics), Josepa Miquel-Florensa (Toulouse School of Economics), Nicola Pavanini (Tilburg University)
Swapnika Rachapalli (University of Toronto)
"The Long-Term Impact of Steel Tariffs on US Manufacturing"
Lydia Cox (Harvard University)
*Sebastian Heise (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Justin R. Pierce (Federal Reserve Board), Georg Schaur (University of Tennessee - Knoxville), Peter K. Schott (Yale University)