Commission Seminars, 1943-1955
Jul. 6Leonid Hurwicz, “The Study of Price Determination”
Jul. 22Gerhard Tintner, Iowa State College, “Verification of a Simplified Theory of Business Cycles”
Sep. 29George Katona, “The Study of Price Control and Rationing”
Nov. 3Research assistants of the Committee on Price Control and Rationing discussed various aspects of the study then in progress. Speakers were: Rolf A. Weil, Marvin L. Braude, and Jack Letiche
Nov. 26The discussion of price control and rationing was continued. The speakers were: Sylvia M. Kafka, George Katona, and Jack Letiche. Lt. (j.g.) Martin Hilby, U.S.N. (formerly of OPA) and Professor Theodore W. Schultz also participated
Dec. 13Tjalling C. Koopmans, Statistician of the Combined Shipping Adjustment Board, “Dynamic Economic Systems”
Jan. 31Clark Warburton, Principal Economist, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, “Theories of Monetary Control and the Need for a Responsible Monetary Authority”
Feb. 1Abraham Wald, Associate Professor of Economics, Columbia University, “Statistical Inference” (joint session with Department of Mathematics)
Dec. 8“Econometrics of Investment,” discussion with Professor Jacob Viner
May 25-26John von Neumann, Professor of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior”
Oct. 15Lawrence R. Klein, “Index Numbers and the Theory of Rational Behavior”
Oct. 22Trygve Haavelmo, “Multiplier Effects of a Balanced Budget”
Oct. 29Jacob Viner, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, “Discussion of Trygve Haavelmo’s Monograph, “The Probability Approach in Econometrics’ ” (supplement to Econometrica (1944), Vol. 12)
Nov. 19Donald M. Fort, The University of Chicago, “A Modified Keynesian Theory”
Nov. 26Richard Stone, Director, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, “National Income and Social Accounting”
Dec. 10W. Edwards Deming, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D.C., “On Some Criteria of Sampling, with an Illustration in Population Sampling”
Dec. 17George Katona, Division of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Wartime Savings and Their Effects”
Jan. 8Leonid Hurwicz, “Analysis of the Economic Stagnation Thesis”
Jan. 22Theodore W. Anderson, Jr., “Statistical Tests of Rank and Estimation of the Linear Relations between Expected Values”
Feb. 5Roy B. Leipnik, “Distribution of the Serial Correlation Coefficient”
Feb. 19H. Gregg Lewis, “Some Problems in the Analysis of Demand for Steel”
Mar. 19Trygve Haavelmo, “Analysis of Demand for Agricultural Products”
Apr. 2Leonid Hurwicz, “Theory of the Firm and of Investment”
Apr. 17Lawrence R. Klein, “National Product Forecasts for the Reconversion Period”
May 1Walter Bartky, Dean of the Division of Physical Sciences, “Recent Applications of Statistics in Physical Science”
May 22Everett R. Hagen, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, “Forecasting National Product and Employment”
June 3Jan Tinbergen, Professor of Statistics, Rotterdam School of Economics, “Discontinuous Functions in Economics”
June 4Jan Tinbergen, Professor of Statistics, Rotterdam School of Economics, “Theory of Speculative Demand for Raw Materials”
Oct. 9E. J. Working, Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, “What Would Prices Have Been Without Controls? Can Statistical Analyses of Demand Tell Us?”
Oct. 26J. R. Hicks, Professor of Economics, University of Oxford, “The Aggregation of Consumers’ Surplus”
Nov. 6Dorothy S. Brady, Chief, Cost of Living Division, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, “Interpretation of Consumption Data in the Derivation of Standard Budgets”
Nov. 21Trygve Haavelmo, “Econometric Methods and Agricultural Policy”
Dec. 5Kenneth May, “Tentative Methods of Dealing with Technological Change”
Jan. 16Sam H. Schurr, “Economic Aspects of Atomic Energy as a Source of Power”
Feb. 14Ragnar Frisch, Professor of Economics, University of Norway, Oslo, “Some Basic Formulae in Demand Analysis”
Feb. 20Sewall Wright, Professor of Zoology, University of Chicago, “The Method of Path Coefficients”
Mar. 6Abba P. Lerner, Professor of Economics, New School for Social Research, New York, “Wages, Inflation and Deflation”
Apr. 1Harald Cramer, Professor of Mathematics, University of Stockholm, Sweden, “Stationary Stochastic Processes”
Apr. 10Abba P. Lerner, Professor of Economics, New School for Social Research, New York, “Economic Planning in a Free Market”
May 8Martin Bronfenbrenner, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Department of Economics, Roosevelt College, “Comparison of Full-Employment Forecasts”
May 22Rensis Likert, Director, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, “Sample Survey as a Tool for Economic Research”
Aug. 7Harold Hotelling, Professor, University of North Carolina, “Statistical Problems of Welfare Economics”
Oct. 9Colin Clark, Director, Bureau of Industry, and Financial Adviser to the State Treasury of Queensland, Australia, “Social Implications of Economic Growth”
Oct. 23Milton Friedman, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, “Utility Analysis of Gambling and Insurance”
Nov. 6Herbert A. Simon, Professor of Political Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, “Some Economic Effects of Technological Progress”
Nov. 20Dr. George Rasch, State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, “Statistical Analysis of Growth Curves”
Jan. 29Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Welfare Economics of Transportation and Location” (in collaboration with the Program of Education and Research in Planning)
Feb. 12Anatol Rapoport, Research Associate in Mathematical Biology, and Alphonso Shimbel, Research Associate in Mathematical Biology, “Suggestions for Measuring the Satisfaction Functions of Animals”
Feb. 24Ewan Clague, U.S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics, “Productivity, Wages, and the American Standard of Living” (jointly with the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association)
Feb. 26Frederick Mosteller, Associate Professor of Social Relations, Harvard University, “Graphical Analysis of Data Obtained by Counting”
Mar. 18Gerhard Tintner, Professor of Economics, Iowa State College, “Foundations of Probability and Statistical Inference” (jointly with the Statistical Techniques Group, Chicago Chapter, American Statistical Association)
Apr. 15Melvin G. De Chazeau, Professor of Business Economics and Marketing, University of Chicago, “Interviewing of Businessmen”
Apr. 29Karl Menger, Professor of Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology, “A Geometric Theory of Index Numbers”
May 13H. Gregg Lewis, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, “Observations on Duopoly”
May 27L. H. C. Tippett, Statistician to the British Cotton Industry Research Association and Visiting Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Investigations of Industrial Efficiency”
Jun. 10Jacob Marschak, “Money Illusion, Price Level, and Employment”
Oct. 21Lloyd A. Metzler, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, “Tariffs, the Terms of Trade and the Distribution of National Income”
Nov. 4William E. Henry, Assistant Professor in the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago, “Personality and the Performance of Executives”
Nov. 18Fetter J. Bjerve, Chief of Economic Planning Division, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, “Government Economic Planning in Norway” (jointly with the Program of Education and Research in Planning)
Dec. 9Tjalling C. Koopmans, “The Econometric Approach to Business Fluctuations”
Jan. 9L. J. Savage, Research Associate in Mathematics, University of Chicago, “The Theory of Games: Zero-Sum Games”
Jan. 20Kenneth J. Arrow, “The Theory of Games: Multi-Person Games”
Feb. 17Kenneth J. Arrow, “The Theory of Games: Applications to Economics”
Mar. 3Jacob Marschak, “The Theory of Games: Measurable Utility”
Mar. 10M. A. Girshick, Professor of Statistics, Stanford University, “The Theory of Games: Continuous Games”
Mar. 31L. J. Savage, “The Theory of Games: Application to Statistical Inference”
Apr. 14Herbert A. Simon, “The Theory of Games: Application to Politics and Administration”
May 12Herman Rubin, “Statistical Treatment of Nonlinear Econometric Models”
May 26Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Utility Analysis of Decisions Involving Future Periods”
Oct. 6Tibor Scitovsky, Department of Economics, Stanford University, “The Meaning of National Product Estimates”
Oct. 20Anatol Rapoport, Committee on Mathematical Biology, University of Chicago, “Outline of a Mathematical Approach to Animal Sociology”
Nov. 3Nicolas Rashevsky, Committee on Mathematical Biology, University of Chicago, “Suggestions for a Mathematical Biology of Imitative Behavior”`
Nov. 17Carl Christ, “Econometric Models and Predictions for the United States”
Dec. 8Leonid Hurwicz, “Estimation Bias Due to Incorrect Choice of Model” (jointly with the Statistics Club, University of Chicago)
Dec. 15Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Efficient Allocation of Resources”
Jan. 5Charles J. Hitch, The RAND Corporation, “Planning Defense Production”
Jan. 12A. W. Tucker, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, “Feasibility, Existence, and Duality Theorems of Linear Programming”
Feb. 2Chauncy D. Harris, Department of Geography, University of Chicago, “Theory of Location and Soviet Planning”
Feb. 9Erich Schneider, Department of Economics, University of Kiel, Germany, “The Problem of Replacement of Industrial Equipment”
Mar. 2Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Identification of Structure in Factor Analysis and in Econometrics” (jointly with the Statistics Club, University of Chicago)
Mar. 16Robert H. Strotz, Department of Economics, Northwestern University, and N. Frank Morehouse, Aerial Measurements Laboratory, Northwestern University, “The Application of the Electro-Analog Computer to Problems in Economic Dynamics”
Mar. 30Julius Margolis, Program of Education and Research in Planning, University of Chicago, “National Economic Accounting and Economic Policy”
Apr. 13Gerhard Tintner, Department of Economics, Iowa State College, “External Economies in Consumption”
Apr. 27Earl J. Hamilton, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, “Four Centuries of Spanish Prices”
May 11Franco Modigliani, “Empirical Studies of Expectations and Investment Decisions”
May 18Lawrence R. Klein, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, and National Bureau of Economic Research, “Sample Surveys and Household Behavior”
May 25A. J. Brown, Department of Economics, University of Leeds, England, “Some Recent Examples of the Price-Wage Spiral”
Jun. 15Eric Lundberg, Institute of Conjuncture, Stockholm, Sweden, “Wage Policy and Full Employment — With Special Reference to Swedish Experience”
Oct. 12John F. Nash, Princeton University, “The Extended Bargaining Problem”
Oct. 26Rudolph Carnap, Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago, “A New Theory of Probability: Degree of Confirmation and Inductive Inference”
Nov. 9Leonard J. Savage, Committee on Statistics, University of Chicago, “De Finetti’s Theory of Subjective Probability with Reference to the Statistical Decision Problem”
Nov. 16Lloyd A. Metzler, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, “The Pigou Effect and the Rate of Interest”
Nov. 30Jacob Marschak, “Recent Discussions on Utility and Probability, and the Late Frank Ramsey”
Dec. 21Kenneth J. Arrow, “Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Choice in Risk-Taking Situations”
Jan. 11Harold T. Davis, “Some Implications of the Curve of Income Distribution”
Jan. 25Herman Chernoff, Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, “Rational Selection of Decision Functions”
Feb. 1D. Van Dantzig, Department of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, “On the Linking up of Probability Theory to Empirical Sciences”
Feb. 15Louis L. Thurstone, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, “Consumer Preferences and the Prediction of Choices”
Mar. 1Leonid Hurwicz, “The Mathematics of Welfare Economics: An Introduction”
Mar. 15Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Generalizations of Leontief’s Input-Output Model”
Mar. 29Leonid Hurwicz, “Optimization Rules in a Decentralized Economy”
Apr. 12Morton L. Slater, “Optimization under Constraints: A Central Economic Problem and the Mathematical Tools for Its Solution”
Apr. 26Louis Guttman, Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, “Qualitative Data and the Theory of Scaling” (jointly with Committee on Statistics, University of Chicago)
May 3Gerard Debreu, “The Efficiency of an Economic System”
May 10Clifford Hildreth, “Derivation of Social Welfare Functions from Individual Utility Functions”
May 24John Chipman, University of Chicago, “Oscillations in a Multi-Sector Economy”
Jun. 12M. G. Kendall, London School of Economics, “Testing Significance in Cases Where There Is Autocorrelation in Residuals of a Time Series”
Oct. 18Melville J. Herskovits, Northwestern University, “Rational Behavior and Cultural Relativism”
Nov. 1Howard Raiffa, University of Michigan, “Arbitration Schemes for Generalized Two-Person Games,” presented at the Cowles Commission Conference on the Problem of Decision-Making
Nov. 15Herbert A. Simon, “Some Mathematical Models in Social Sciences”
Nov. 19Karl Menger, Illinois Institute of Technology, “Probabilistic Theory of Relations”
Dec. 13Robert H. Strotz, “Problems in the Pure Theory of Income Redistribution”
Jan. 10Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, “Price, Income, and Monetary Changes in Three Wartime Periods”
Jan. 14Karl Faxen, University of Stockholm, “Games with Nonmeasurable Utilities”
Feb. 7Lawrence R. Klein, “Evaluation of Consumers’ Expenditures Survey Data”
Feb. 11Herbert D. Landahl, University of Chicago, “A Neurobiophysical Interpretation of Certain Aspects of the Problem of Risks”
Mar. 6H. S. Houthakker, ‘The Free Demand for Rationed Foodstuffs in Britain”
Mar. 17Clyde H. Coombs, University of Michigan, “Measurement of Individual and Social Utility”
Apr. 10Herbert A. Simon, “The Logic of Causality,” presented at the Conference on Business Decision-Making sponsored jointly with Carnegie Institute of Technology and the University of Illinois
Apr. 14Robert M. Thrall, University of Michigan, “A General Theory of Measurement and the Michigan Interdisciplinary Training Program”
May 8James G. Miller, University of Chicago, “The Executive of the Personality and Decision-Making”
May 11Franco Modigliani, “Some Empirical Results of an Analysis of Expectations and Plans of Firms”
Oct. 9Abba P. Lerner, Roosevelt College, “Social Welfare Functions”
Oct. 23Leo Tornqvist, “Some Remarks about the Decision Concept”
Nov. 6Colin Clark, University of Oxford, “A New Theory of Industrial Location”
Nov. 20Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, “The Effect of Individual Choice on the Income Distribution”
Dec. 4Jacob Marschak, “Some Building Stones for a Theory of Organizations”
Dec. 18Tjalling C. Koopmans, “Activity Analysis and Its Applications”
Jan. 15H. S. Houthakker, “Theory of Futures Markets”
Jan. 29O. H. Brownlee, University of Minnesota, “The Effects of Taxation on the Price Level in The Short Run”
Feb. 12Martin Beckmann, “Some Implications of Activity Analysis for Price Theory”
Feb. 26T. A. Hieronymus, University of Illinois, “An Empirical Study of Price Expectations and Marketing Decisions”
Mar. 12Lawrence R. Klein, “Some Preliminary Estimates of a New Econometric Model for the United States”
Apr. 9Clifford Hildreth, “Relations Affecting Livestock Production and Price”
Apr. 23Anatol Rapoport, University of Chicago, “Theory of Communication Nets”
May 7Robert l. Gustafson, University of Chicago, “Optimum Storage Rules for Grains”
May 21J. R. N. Stone, University of Cambridge, “A Cambridge View on Economic Research”
Oct. 8Arnold C. Harberger, “Estimating Economic Parameters”
Oct. 22D. Gale Johnson, University of Chicago, “Regional and Occupational Differences in Income in the United States”
Nov. 5Robert H. Strotz, Northwestern University, “The Optimal Rate of Plant Expansion”
Nov. 19Roy Radner, “The Firm as a Team”
Dec. 3Andrew Vazsonyi, Hughes Aircraft Company, “The Use of Mathematics in Production and Inventory Control”
Jan. 28Sigbert J. Prais, “Equivalent Adults, Economies of Scale, and Standard of Living”
Feb. 11Lloyd A. Metzler, University of Chicago, “A Second Look at the Transfer Problem”
Feb. 25George Katona, University of Michigan, “On the Prediction Value of Economic Attitudes”
Mar. 11G. W. Platzman, University of Chicago, “The Use of High-Speed Computers in Meteorology”
Apr. 8Arnold Tustin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Problems of System Analysis in Engineering and Economics”
Apr. 22Thomas E. Caywood, Caywood–Schiller Associates, “A Problem in Applied Game Theory”
May 11Robert R. Bush, Harvard University, “The Analysis of Latency Data”
May 13Franco Modigliani, Carnegie Institute of Technology, “The Consumption Function”
May 27Alfred Kraessel, University of Chicago, “Some Economic Aspects of Latin America”
Jun. 10Richard L. Meier, University of Chicago, “On Creativity”
Oct. 7Sidney Alexander, Columbia Broadcasting System, “The Ethics of Competition a Generation Later”
Oct. 19Gerhard Titner, Iowa State College, “Linear Programming under Uncertainty”
Oct. 21Gerard Debreu, Cowles Commission, “An Economic Theory of Uncertainty”
Nov. 4Robert Solow, MIT, “The Economics of Economic Growth”
Nov. 18Stefan Valavanis-Vail, University of Michigan, “An Econometric Model of Growth in the United States”
Dec. 7Margaret G. Reid, University of Chicago, “Income Elasticity of Consumption: An Analysis of Family Data”
Jan. 13Gary S. Becker, University of Chicago, “The Economics of Racial Discrimination”
Jan. 19Martin Bronfenbrenner, University of Wisconsin, “Confiscation and Economic Development”
Feb. 3J. K. Galbraith, Harvard University, “Countervailing Power”
Feb. 10Earl R. Swanson, University of Illinois, “Application of Linear Programming in Agricultural Production Research”
Feb. 17Jacob Marschak, Cowles Commission, “A Several-Persons Firm”
Mar. 3John A. Nordin, Iowa State College, “Resource Allocation Affecting Demand Analysis”
Apr. 7Arthur F. Burns, Council of Economic Advisers, “Economic Targets under the Employment Act”