Foundation Seminars, 1955-2004
1955 | |
Oct. 4 | Harry Markowitz, The RAND Corporation, “Portfolio Selection” |
Nov. 1 | James Duesenberry, Harvard University, “Investment and the Theory of the Firm” |
Nov. 29 | David Gale, Brown University, “The Closed Linear Model of Production” |
Dec. 15 | Theodore W. Anderson, Columbia University, “Statistical Inference in Factor Analysis” |
1956 | |
Jan. 10 | Robert Solow, MIT, “An Index Number Problem in the Pure Theory of Production” |
Feb. 7 | George Katona, University of Michigan, “Stability or Instability of Economic Attitudes” |
Feb. 17 | Henry Allan Latané, University of North Carolina, “Asset Preferences” |
Feb. 21 | Guy H. Orcutt, Harvard University, “Testing of Hypotheses Regarding Economic Relationships” |
Feb. 28 | Stanley Sigel, Federal Reserve Board, “The Flow of Funds Study” |
Mar. 13 | Lionel W. McKenzie, Duke University “Optimal Taxation” |
Mar. 14 | James Morgan, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, “Some Data on Consumer Investment Expenditures” |
Mar. 16 | Murray Gerstenhaber, University of Pennsylvania, “Hitchcock-Koopmans Transportation Problem” |
Mar. 20 | Henri Theil, University of Chicago, “Relations among Expected, Planned, and Actual Price Data” |
Oct. 16 | William J. Vickery, Columbia University, "The Optimum Trend of the General Price Level" |
Oct. 30 | Robert Dorfman, Harvard University, "A Model of Alternative Means for Meeting Fluctuating Demands? |
Nov. 20 | Herman Wold, Institute of Statistics, University of Uppsala, "Demand Analysis: A Survey of Problems and Methods" |
1957 | |
Jan. 8 | Paul A. Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "An Economic 'Brownian Movement'" |
Feb. 5 | Duncan Luce, Columbia University, "Utility and Subjective Probability" |
Mar. 12 | Maurice McManus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Money Economy" |
Apr. 2 | Frank Hahn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Money Dynamic Stability and Growth" |
Apr. 16 | John Meyer, Harvard University, "Econometric Studies of Investment Decisions" |
Oct. 8 | Pierre Massé, Electricité de France, "Investment Problems at Electricité de France" |
Oct. 18 | Franco Modigliani, Carnegie Institute of Technology, "The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment" |
Nov. 22 | Horst Mendershausen, The RAND Corporation, "Economic Problems in Air Force Logistics" |
Dec. 3 | G.L.S. Shackle, Columbia University, "Expectation: Some Difficulties" |
Dec. 10 | H.S. Houthakker, Stanford University, "Theory of Normal Backwardation" |
1958 | |
Jan. 28 | Jacques Drèze, Carnegie Institute of Technology, "Decision Making under Uncertainty and the Identification Problem" |
Feb. 13 | Sidney S. Alexander, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Rates of Change as Forecasters" |
Mar. 4 | Trygve Haavelmo, University of Oslo, "On the Formal Theory of Investment Behavior" |
Mar. 14 | Franklin M. Fisher, Society of Fellows, Harvard University, "The Demand for Aluminum Ingot in the United States in the Interwar Period" Also some remarks on "A Theory on A Priori Restrictions and Identification" |
Oct. 10 | Robert Eisner, Northwestern University, "Capital Expenditures and Expectations" |
Oct. 14 | Ragnar Bentzel, University of Uppsala, "An Investigation of the Swedish Consumption Patterns" |
Nov. 7 | Erich Schneider, University of Kiel, "On the Influence of Changing Exchange Rates on the Balance of Payments" |
Dec. 12 | Lawrence R. Klein, University of Pennsylvania, "An Econometric Model of the United Kingdom — Postwar Quarters" |
1959 | |
Jan. 9 | Daniel Ellsberg, Harvard University, "The Theory and Practice of Blackmail" |
Jan. 23 | Gerald Thompson, Ohio Wesleyan University, "A Further Generalization of the von Neumann Dynamic Model" |
Feb. 13 | Robert Strotz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (on leave from Northwestern University) "Price Expectations, Optimality, and Equilibrium" |
Mar. 13 | H.S. Houthakker, Stanford and Harvard Universities, "International Comparisons of Consumers' Preferences" |
Mar. 26 | Marcel Boiteux, Electricite de France, "La Tarification Marginaliste de 1'Electricite de France" |
Apr. 10 | Carl Kaysen, Harvard University, "Some New Data on Plants and Firms" |
Apr. 17 | Alain Enthoven, RAND Corporation, "The Neoclassical Theory of Money and Economic Growth" |
Apr. 24 | Manfred Kochen, IBM Research Center, "Some Problems in Organizational Structure" |
May 25 | Maurice Allais, Institute of Statistics, University of Paris, "Influence of the Capital-Output Ratio on Real National Income" |
Oct. 30 | Michael Farrell, University of Cambridge and Carnegie Institute of Technology, "Some Remarks on the British Capital Market" |
Nov. 13 | James Durbin, London School of Economics, "Estimation of Parameters in Time Series Regression Models" |
Dec. 4 | Robert Solow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Estimation of Distributed Lags" |
Dec. 11 | Benoit Mandelbrot, IBM Research Center, "A New Family of Stochastic Models of Income Distribution: The Pareto–Levy Random Variables and Processes" |
1960 | |
Jan. 8 | Richard R. Nelson, RAND Corporation, "Uncertainty, Learning, and Research and Development Decision-Making" |
Jan. 22 | John Lintner, Harvard University, "Research on Earnings, Dividends, and Stock Prices" |
Feb. 12 | Zvi Griliches, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., "Is Aggregation Necessarily Bad?" |
Apr. 8 | Francis M. Bator, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "On 'Balanced' Growth" |
Apr. 15 | William C. Hood, University of Toronto, "Problems in the Regulation of Privately Owned Public Utilities" |
Apr. 29 | John Denis Sargan, Leeds University and University of Chicago, "Towards a More Realistic Theory of Stability" |
May 13 | Henri Theil, Director of the Econometric Institute, Netherlands School of Economics, and Harvard University, "The Design of Socially Optimal Decisions" |
Oct. 19 | Guy H. Orcutt, University of Wisconsin, "Simulation of Social Systems" |
Dec. 16 | Robert Summers, University of Pennsylvania, "An Econometric Look at Military Cost Estimates" |
1961 | |
Jan. 13 | Edward B. Berman, Operations Evaluation Group, Navy Department, "The Normative Interest Rate" |
Mar. 10 | George J. Feeney, General Electric Company, "Oligopolistic Behavior in a Markovian Market" |
Mar. 17 | Richard Rosett, University of Rochester, "Models of the Stock Options Market" |
Mar. 24 | Martin J. Beckmann, Brown University, "Wicksell's Cumulative Process and Some Models of Economic Growth" |
Apr. 14 | Hendrik S. Houthakker, Harvard University, "Short-term Price Movements as a Stochastic Process" |
Apr. 21 | Wassily Leontief, Harvard University, "Welfare Analysis as Applied to Public Enterprise" |
Apr. 28 | Edwin Mansfield, Carnegie Institute of Technology, "Acceptance of Technological Change" |
Oct. 2 | Herbert Scarf, Stanford University, "Game Theory and Economic Equilibrium" |
Oct. 30 | Karl Borch, The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Ad-ministration, "Uncertainty and Market Equilibrium" |
Nov. 13 | Stephen A. Marglin, Harvard University, "The Social Rate of Discount and the Opportunity Costs of Public Investment" |
Nov. 30 | Juerg M. Niehans, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Zurich, "Interest Rates in an Open Economy: The Swiss Case" |
1962 | |
Feb. 15 | Harold W. Kuhn, Princeton University, "Remarks on the Turn-pike Theorem" |
Feb. 26 | Dale Jorgenson, University of California, "Capital Theory and Investment Behavior" |
Mar. 12 | Albert Ando, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "An Empirical Model of the U.S. Economic Growth: An Exploratory Study in Applied Capital Theory" |
Apr. 9 | Franklin Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Decomposability, Near-Decomposability, and Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale" |
Apr. 30 | John F. Muth, Carnegie Institute of Technology, "Stochastic Equilibrium and Dynamic Stability" |
May 10 | Hirofumi Uzawa, Stanford University, "Topics Related to the Problem of Economic Growth" |
Nov. 2 | Robert Dorfman, Harvard University, "Economic Interpretation of Nonlinear Programming and an Application" |
Nov. 30 | Kelvin Lancaster, Johns Hopkins University, "The Analysis of the Economy as a System" |
1963 | |
Feb. 8 | Robert P. Abelson, Yale University, "A Psychologist Looks at Subjective Probability and Utility" |
Feb. 28 | A.W. Phillips, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the London School of Economics, "Objectives of Economic Policy" |
Apr. 5 | Edward F. Denison, The Brookings Institution, "Sources of Economic Growth" |
Apr. 19 | Marshall Kolin, Harvard University, "Tests of Alternative Specifications of the Budget Constraint in Models of the Economic Behavior of the House-hold Sector" |
May 10 | Louis Lefeber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A Dynamic Model of Regional and National Economic Development" |
Nov. 21 | Philip Wolfe, The RAND Corporation, "On the Theory of Quadratic Programming" (Joint Seminar, with Department of Statistics and Department of Industrial Administration) |
Dec. 20 | Jacques Dreze, University of Chicago and the University of Louvain, "Bayesian Estimation of Simultaneous Equations" (Joint Seminar, with Department of Statistics) |
1964 | |
Jan. 7 | Andrew Whinston, Yale University, "Research in Quadratic Programming" (Joint Seminar, with Department of Industrial Administration) |
Jan. 17 | Edwin Mansfield, University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University, "Returns from Industrial Research, Rates of Technical Change, and the Effects of Concentration on Technology Levels" |
Jan. 24 | Jan Sandee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Central Planning Bureau of The Netherlands, "A Long-term Planning Model for The Netherlands" |
Feb. 4 | Harold W. Watts, Yale University, "Experimental Gaming" (Joint Seminar, with Department of Industrial Administration) |
Mar. 26 | Richard Lipsey, University of California, "Inflation and Economic Growth: The Post-War Experience in Britain" |
Apr. 7 | Franklin M. Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "On the Supply Curve of Petroleum Discoveries" |
Apr. 17 | James S. Duesenberry, Harvard University, "The SSRC Econometric Model" |
May 1 | Clopper Almon, Harvard University, "A Convergent Method of Predicting Investment Requirements and its Application of Forecasting the American Economy in 1970" |
May 29 | Martin McGuire, Harvard University, "Economic Models of Arms Races and the Role of Information" |
Oct. 30 | Pieter De Wolff, Central Planning Bureau, The Hague, and Harvard University, "An Optimal Price Policy for Natural Gas Deposits" |
Nov. 30 | J.R.N. Stone, Cambridge, England, "A Model of the UK Educational System and its Contribution to Economic Growth" |
Dec. 11 | David Gale, Brown University, "Optimal Operation of a Multi-sector Economy" |
Dec. 17 | Peter A. Diamond, University of California, Berkeley, "National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model" |
1965 | |
Jan. 5 | Marc Nerlove, Stanford University, "Applications of Spectral Techniques in Economics" |
Jan. 22 | Allan H. Meltzer, University of Chicago and Carnegie Institute of Technology, "The Interaction of Money, Credit and Interest Rates on the Bank-Oriented Credit Market" |
Feb. 12 | Irving Lavalle, Harvard Business School, "A Bayesian Approach to Game Problems" |
Apr. 13 | Lawrence R. Klein, University of Pennsylvania, "Non-Linear Stochastic Models" |
May 7 | Hirofumi Uzawa, University of Chicago, "A Monetary Model of Economic Growth" |
Jun. 3 | Lawrence Fisher, University of Chicago, "Two New Sets of Common Stock Indexes" |
Nov. 19 | Hendrik S. Houthakker, Harvard University, "The Dynamics of Consumption and Savings" |
1966 | |
Jan. 7 | James Durbin, Johns Hopkins University and London School of Economics, "A New Look at the Problem of Testing for Serial Correlation in Least-Squares Regression" |
Jan. 28 | Frank Brechling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Short-Run Production Functions: An International Comparison" |
Feb. 11 | Ralph Gomory, IBM Watson Research Center, "On the Relation between Integer and Non-Integer Solutions to Linear Programs" |
Apr. 13 | George Dantzig, University of California at Berkeley, "Complementary Theory in Mathematical Programming" |
Apr. 29 | Harold W. Watts, Office of Economic Opportunity and University of Wisconsin, "The Iso-Prop Index: An Approach to the Determination of Poverty Income Differentials" |
May 10 | Shinichi Ichimura, University of California at Berkeley and Osaka University, "An Econometric Model of the Monetary Sector of Postwar Japan" |
May 27 | Guy Orcutt, Harvard University and University of Wisconsin, "The Effects of Aggregation on Estimation" |
Dec. 9 | Leonid Hurwicz, University of Minnesota, "On Problems of Economic Organization" |
1967 | |
Feb. 17 | Alan A. Walters, University of Birmingham and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A Simple Model of an Uncongested Road" |
Mar. 3 | Zvi Griliches, University of Chicago, "Sources of Measured Productivity Growth — The Current State of Research on the Residual" |
Mar. 17 | Carlton E. Lemke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, "Mathematical Programming and Bi-Matrix Games" |
Apr. 7 | Richard N. Rosett, University of Rochester, "The Experimental Measurement of Subjective Probability and its Relation to Relative Frequency" |
Apr. 14 | Karl Burch, Nuffield College, Oxford, and The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, "The Theory of Risk" |
May 5 | Michael C. Lovell, Carnegie Institute of Technology, "Firm Sales, Anticipations, Planned Inventory Behavior, and the Production Decision" |
May 8 | Edmond C. Malinvaud, University of California, Berkeley, and Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, Paris, "The Theory of Non-Linear Regression" |
May 26 | W.M. Gorman, Stanford University and Oxford, "On the Structure of Separable Functions" |
Nov. 10 | Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Optimal Taxation and Public Investment" |
Nov. 30 | Roy Radner, University of California, Berkeley, The Role of Prices as Information Signals in the Allocation of Resources under Uncertainty" |
1968 | |
Jan. 2 | H. Nikaido, Osaka University, "Income Distribution and Growth in a Monopolist Economy" |
Mar. 27 | T.N. Srinivasan, Indian Statistical Institute and Visiting Professor of Economics at Stanford University, "Optimal Savings under Uncertainty" |
Apr. 5 | Vernon L. Smith, Brown University, "Economics of Production from Natural Resources" |
Apr. 30 | Janos Kornai, Computing Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, "Mathematical Planning and Economic Reform in Hungary" |
May 3 | Amartya Sen, Yale University and University of Delhi, "Interpersonal Aggregation and Social Choice" |
May 15 | Jacques Dreze, University of Chicago and University Catholique de Louvain, "Two Certainty Equivalents Theorems for Savings under Uncertainty" |
May 24 | Merton Miller, University of Chicago, "Portfolio Theory and the Structure of Interest Rates" |
May 31 | Benedikt Korda, Higher School of Economics, Prague, "Recent Economic Events in Czechoslovakia" |
Jun. 14 | James Mirrlees, Cambridge University and Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Some Theory of Optimum Income Taxation" |
Oct. 24 | Harold Watts, University of Wisconsin, "The Negative Income Tax Experiment in New Jersey" |
Dec. 6 | Christopher A. Sims, Harvard University, "Some Pitfalls of Approximate Specification in Distributed Lag Estimation" |
Dec. 13 | Edmund Phelps, University of Pennsylvania, "Non-Walrasian Aspects of Employment and Inflation Theory" |
1969 | |
Jan. 24 | Edward J. Hannan, Australian National University, "Mixed Moving Average Auto-regressive Processes" |
Feb. 14 | Kenneth J. Arrow, Harvard University, "Existence of Temporary Equilibrium" |
Mar. 19 | Mrs. Joan Robinson, University of Cambridge, England, "Unresolved Questions in Capital Theory," (jointly with Economic Growth Center) |
Apr. 18 | Michael Farrell, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, England, "Natural Selection in Economics" |
Apr. 22 | Lawrence Klein, University of Pennsylvania, "The Theory of Economic Prediction" |
Apr. 25 | Donald Tucker, The Urban Institute, "Money Demand and Market Disequilibrium" |
May 16 | Assar Lindbeck, University of Stockholm and Columbia University, "Stabilization Policy in 'Narrow Band' Economies" |
1970 | |
Jan. 16 | Robert E. Hall, University of California, Berkeley, "Inflationary Bias in Labor Markets" |
Mar. 6 | Duncan Foley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Economic Equilibrium with Marketing Costs" |
Mar. 11 | Alan S. Manne, Stanford University, "A Dynamic Multi-Sector Model for Mexico, 1968–80" |
Apr. 10 | James Buchanan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, "Notes on the Theory of Supply" |
Apr. 17 | Zvi Griliches, Harvard University, "Estimating Production Functions from Micro-Data" |
Apr. 24 | John W. Kendrick, The George Washington University, "Postwar Productivity Trends and Relationships" |
May 8 | Arnold Zellner, University of Chicago, "Bayesian Inference in the Analysis of Log-Normal Distributions and Regressions" |
Oct. 23 | Daniel McFadden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Revealed Stochastic Technology" |
Nov. 6 | Eytan Sheshinski, Harvard University, "Optimal Government Production and Inflation" |
Nov. 13 | Terrence Gorman, University of North Carolina and London School of Economics, "Aggregates for Variable Goods: An Application of Duality" |
Dec. 4 | Hugo Sonnenschein, University of Massachusetts, "Three Problems in General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics" |
1971 | |
Feb. 5 | Robert Solow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Land Use in a Long Narrow City" |
Feb. 26 | Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Carnegie–Mellon University, "Cross Section Tests of the Natural Rate Hypothesis" |
Mar. 5 | Michael Bruno, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Disequilibrium Growth in an Open Economy" |
Apr. 2 | Richard D. Portes, Princeton University, "A Quantity-Guided Decentralized Planning Procedure" |
Apr. 16 | Christopher Sims, National Bureau of Economic Research, "Money, Income and Causality" |
Apr. 23 | Witold Tzeciakowski, Warsaw, Poland, "The Application of Short-Run Optimization Models in Foreign Trade Planning and Management in Poland" |
May 14 | Richard Rosett, University of Rochester, "The Effect of Health Insurance on the Demand for Medical Care" |
Sep. 30 | John Williamson, Warwick University, "Estimates of the Impact of the EEC on Trade" |
Oct. 8 | Terje Hansen and Tjalling C. Koopmans, Yale University, "Definition and Computation of a Capital Stock Invariant under Optimization" |
Oct. 23 | Jacques Drèze, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Louvain, "Investment Decisions under Uncertainty: Welfare Theory and Algorithms" |
Oct. 27 | Stephen Goldfield, Princeton University, "Econometric Model Selection in the Presence of Repeated Structural Change" |
Nov. 12 | Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Aggregate Production with Consumption Externalities" |
Dec. 10 | Koichi Hamada, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Social Choice on Income Distribution" |
1972 | |
Jan. 14 | Martin Geisal, Carnegie–Mellon University, "Bayesian Model Comparisons" |
Feb. 18 | Marc Roberts, Harvard University, "Alternative Social Criteria: A Normative Approach" |
Mar. 3 | Herbert A. Simon, Carnegie–Mellon University, "Process Models That Predict the Size of Business Firms" |
Mar. 10 | Sidney Winter, University of Michigan, "Simulation of Technical Change in an Evolutionary Model" |
Mar. 17 | Wladyslaw Welfe, University of Pennsylvania, "Medium-Term Econometric Models of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary: Goals, Specification and Empirical Results" |
Apr. 14 | Albert Madansky, City College of New York, "Improved Instrumental Variable Estimators" |
Apr. 21 | Arthur Goldberg, University of Wisconsin, "Unobservable Variables" |
Apr. 28 | Andras Nagy, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, "Projections of Foreign Trade in the Socialist Countries and the Problem of International Consistency" |
May 12 | Mordecai Kurz, Stanford University, "Equilibrium with Transaction Cost and Money" |
May 19 | David Cass, Carnegie–Mellon University, "Interpreting the Lagrange Multipliers in Quasi-Concave Programming and Conditions for 'Concavifiability'" |
Oct. 27 | Janos Kornai, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, "Intertemporal Aspects of Hungarian Long-Term Planning" |
Nov. 3 | Nicholas Stern, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Optimal Savings with Economies of Scale" |
Nov. 10 | Avinash Dixit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Oxford, "The Optimal Factory Town" |
Nov. 17 | Alan Manne, Stanford University, "Electricity Investments Under Uncertainty About the Date of Breeder Availability" |
Dec. 8 | Hugo Sonnenschein, University of Massachusetts, "An Axiomatic Characterization of the Competitive Mechanism" |
Dec. 15 | Truman F. Bewley, Harvard University, "Preliminary Work on a Dynamic Central Market Model" |
1973 | |
Jan. 5 | Michael Spence, Harvard University, "Market Signaling" |
Feb. 2 | George Brown, Center of Naval Operations, "Some Problems Involving Disturbance-Variance Systems" |
Feb. 23 | Alexander Schmidt, Computing Center of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, "Applications of Control Theory to Economic Planning" |
Mar. 2 | H E. Goeller, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "A Long-Term View of Material Resources Availability and Utilization" (Joint seminar with Institute for Social and Policy Studies) |
Mar. 16 | Martin Weitzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Prices vs. Quantities as Planning Instruments" |
Apr. 6 | Jerzy Los, Computer Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, "Recent Polish Work in the Field of von Neumann Models" |
Apr. 9 | Nikita Moiseev, Computer Center of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, "Some Problems of Centralized Planning" |
Apr. 13 | Peter A. Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Single Activity Accidents" |
May 4 | T. N. Srinivasan, Indian Statistical Institute. "A Re-Analysis of the Harris–Todaro Model," jointly with Economic Growth Center |
May 11 | David Hoaglin, Harvard University, "Exploring Some Unemployment Data" |
Oct. 12 | Tjalling C. Koopmans and William D. Nordhaus, Cowles Foundation, "Models of Optimal Utilization of Natural Resources" (CFDP 356) |
Oct. 17 | Axel Leijonhufvud, UCLA, "Informal Talk on Macroeconomics" |
Oct. 19 | Tony Atkinson, Essex University, England, "The Distribution of Wealth" |
Nov. 2 | Gary Chamberlain, Harvard University, "Returns to Schooling and Ability as an Unobserved Component" |
Nov. 9 | Arthur M. Okun, The Brookings Institution, "Perspectives on the 1973 Inflation" |
Dec. 14 | E. J. Hannan, Yale University and the Australian National University, "On Measuring Leads and Lags" |
Dec. 21 | Tjalling C. Koopmans, "IS Mathematical Economics with It?" |
1974 | |
Jan. 17 | Ray Fair, Princeton University, "General Disequilibrium Model of Macroeconomic Activity" |
Feb. 15 | Martin Shubik, Cowles Foundation, "A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions" (References CFDPs 330, 355, 365, 367) |
Feb. 22 | Anne Kreuger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society" |
Mar. 1 | Jerry Green, Harvard University, "Insurance and the Economics of Liability Law" |
Mar. 8 | Lloyd S. Shapley, RAND Corporation, "Noncooperative Models of General Equilibrium" |
Mar. 15 | Martin Shubik, Cowles Foundation, "A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions" continued |
Apr. 5 | J D. Sargan, London School of Economics and Yale University, "Data Mining and Model Specification" |
Apr. 12 | Arnold Harberger, Princeton University, "Distributional Weights in Cost Benefit Analysis" |
May 6 | George Stigler, University of Chicago, "The Theory of Enforcement" |
May 10 | William J. Fellner, Council of Economic Advisers, "On Current Economic Policy" |
May 24 | John Williamson, International Monetary Fund, "The Impact of Increased Exchange Rate Flexibility on International Liquidity" |
May 31 | Richard Nelson, Yale University, "Factor Price Changes and Factor Substitution in an Evolutionary Model of Economic Growth" |
Jun. 7 | S. Decanio, W. Parker, and C. Vann Woodward, Round-table on Fogel and Engerman, Time on the Cross |
Jun. 21 | Jerome Stein, Brown University, "Inside the Monetarist's Black Box" |
1975 | |
Sep. 19 | Bruno S. Frey, Universitat Konstanz, "Modeling Politico-Economic Interdependence" |
Oct. 3 | Ray Fair, Cowles Foundation, "On Controlling the Economy to Win Elections" |
Nov. 7 | Barry Saltzman, Yale University, "The Theory and Practice of Modelling the Climate" |
Nov. 14 | William D. Nordhaus, Yale University, "Can We Control Carbon Dioxide'?" |
Nov. 21 | William J. Baumol, Princeton University and New York University, "The Weak Invisible Hand and the Multi-Product Monopoly" |
Dec. 3 | David Hendry, Tjalling C. Koopmans, and Guy Orcutt, Yale University, "Is There a Use for Theory in Econometric Modelling?" |
Dec. 11 | M.W. Hirsh, University of California and Harvard University, "A Global Newton Method for Solving General Systems of Equations" |
1976 | |
Jan. 9 | Jean Waelbroeck, University of Brussels, CORE, and World Bank, Washington, "The Price of Energy and Potential Growth" |
Feb. 13 | Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Reforming Social Security" |
Mar. 26 | Rudiger Dornbusch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Exchange Rates in the Short Run" |
Apr. 2 | Robin Marris, University of Maryland, "The Public Goods Paradigm" |
Apr. 23 | Robert Merton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Pricing of Contingent Claims and Its Relationship to Option Pricing" |
May 14 | Karl Shell, University of Pennsylvania, "The Hamiltonian Approach to Economics Dynamics" |
May 18 | Robert J. Aumann, Hebrew University and Stanford University, "Power and Taxes in a Multicommodity of Economy" |
May 28 | Donald J. Brown, Cowles Foundation, "Existence of a Market Equilibrium in an Economy with Increasing Returns to Scale" |
Sep. 10 | Yves Balasco, Ecole Normal Superior, "Geometric Presentation of Equilibrium Analysis" |
Sep. 22 | Leonid V. Kantorovich, U.S.S.R., Academician, "Economic Models with Technical Progress" |
Sep. 27 | Hans-Richard Grumm, IIASA, University of Vienna, "Phase Portraits, Resilience and Strange Attractors" |
Oct. 19 | Arthur Okun, Brookings Institute, "Current Economy and Economic Issues of Ford/Carter Campaign" |
Nov. 12 | Scott Boorman, Yale University, "Disequilibrium Dynamics for Cascade Systems in Biosociology" |
Nov. 15 | Arthur Okun, Brookings Institute, "Short Run Fluctuations in Perspective, Part III" |
Nov. 18 | Charles Bischoff, IBM, "A Small Quarterly Forecasting Model of the U.K. |
Nov. 23 | Arthur Okun, Brookings Institute, "Short Run Fluctuations in Perspective, Part IV" |
Nov. 30 | Scott Boorman, Yale University, "Disequilibrium Dynamics for Cascade Systems in Biosociology, Part II" |
Dec. 1 | Gerard Debreu, The Core of a Large Economy" (Joint seminar with the Math Department) |
Dec. 2 | Steve Slutsky, Cornell University, "A Macro Model with a Non-trivial Government" |
Dec. 10 | Jerry Hausman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A Conditional Probit Model of Qualitative Choice: Discrete Decisions Recognizing Interdependence" |
Dec. 13 | Terje Hansen, Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration, "A Procedure for Determining Optimal Subsidies of Economic Activities in a Depressed Area in Order to Maintain Full Employment" |
Dec. 17 | Doug Purvis, Queens University, visiting Cowles, "Some Skepticism Concerning the Price Level Insulation Properties of a Flexible Exchange Rate" |
1977 | |
Jan. 13 | Steven Salop, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, TBA |
Jan. 20 | Leif Danziger, "On the theory of Contingent Labor Contracts" |
Jan. 24 | Robert Shiller, University of Pennsylvania, "Rational Expectations: A Survey" |
Feb. 14 | Lawrence Blume, University of California, Berkeley and Universitat at Bonn, "The Existence of Rational Expectations in Sequential Temporary Equilibrium" |
Mar. 4 | Peter Robinson, Harvard University, "Some Time Series Models and Their Estimation" |
Mar. 9 | Steve Ross, University of Pennsylvania, "The Determination of Financial Structure: The Incentive Signalling Approach" |
Mar. 30 | P. Shenoy, Cornell University, TBA |
Mar. 31 | Richard Engelbrecht, Cornell University, "Fair Allocation of Indivisible Commodities" |
Apr. 5 | Martin Shubik, Cowles Foundation, "A Money Rate of Interest" |
Apr. 12 | Pradeep Dubey, Cowles Foundation, Noncooperative Exchange with a Continuum of Traders" |
Apr. 20 | Donald Brown, Cowles Foundation, "Nonconvex Programming" |
Apr. 21 | Donald Brown, Cowles Foundation, "Intertemporal Choice under Uncertainty" |
Sep. 30 | Martin Weitzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Optimal Search" |
Oct. 11 | Larry Weiss, Cowles Foundation, "The role of Money in Allocating Social Risks" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Oct. 14 | Katsuhito Iwai, Yale University, "Macroscopic Equilibrium and Long-Run Phillips Curves" |
Oct. 28 | Pradeep Dubey, Yale University, "Probabilistic Values for Games" |
Nov. 4 | Jim Sweeney, Stanford University, "The Demand for Gasoline: A Vintage Capital Model" |
Dec. 2 | Pentti Kouri, Cowles Foundation, "Flexible Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Disequilibrium in the World" |
Dec. 9 | David Starrett, Stanford University, "Welfare Measurement for Local Public Finance" |
1978 | |
Feb. 9 | Gerald Jaynes, Yale University, "Unemployment and Training in a Dual Labor Market" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Feb. 10 | Laurence Weiss, Cowles Foundation, "The Rate of Monetary Policy in a Rational Expectations Model" |
Feb. 17 | Willem Buiter, Princeton University, "Short Run and Long Run Effects of External Disturbances under a Flexible Exchange Rate" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Feb. 24 | Larry Lau, Stanford University, "Existence Conditions for Aggregate Demand Functions" |
Mar. 3 | John Geweke, University of Wisconsin, "Latent Variable Models for Time Series" |
Mar. 29 | Alan S. Manne, Stanford University, "Computation of Competitive Equilibria by a Sequence of Linear Programs" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Mar. 31 | George Akerlof, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "The Economics of Social Customs, of Which Unemployment May be One Consequence" |
Apr. 7 | Sandy Grossman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "The Public Good Is a Public Good: A Theory of Corporations" |
Apr. 19 | Peter Phillips, Cowles Visiting Professor, University of Birmingham, "The Finite Sample Distributions of Alternative Estimators of the Marginal Propensity to Consume" |
May 12 | Danial McFadden, Irving Fisher Visiting Professor, California, "Econometric Models of Probabilistic Choice" |
May 19 | Ernst Berndt, University of British Columbia, "Foundations of Energy — Capital Complementary" |
Sep. 15 | David Kreps, Stanford University, "Martingales and the Valuation of Redundant Assets" |
Sep. 22 | Geoffrey Heal, University of Sussex, "Welfare Economics and Increasing Returns" |
Sep. 29 | John Sutton, London School of Economics, "The Quasi-Competitive Firm: And a Microeconomic Model of Pricing and Employment in the Trade Cycle" |
Oct. 13 | Glenn C. Loury, Northwestern University, "Intergenerational Transfers and the Distribution of Earnings" |
Oct. 20 | Eric Maskin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Implication of Social Choice Rules: Some General Results on Incentive Compatibility" |
Oct. 27 | Hugo Sonnenschein, Princeton University, "Cournot and Walras Equilibrium" |
Nov. 3 | H.P. Young, IIASA, "Exploitation, Discrete Production, and the Core of an n-Person Game" |
Nov. 10 | Michael Rothschild, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Stochastic Capital Theory" |
Nov. 17 | Margaret Bray, Nuffield College, Oxford, "Rational Expectations and Informationally Efficient Markets: A Model of Commodity Futures Trading" |
Dec. 1 | Joseph E. Stiglitz, Oxford University, "The Repeal of the Laws of Supply and Demand" |
Dec. 4 | Stephen Smale, University of California, Berkeley, "Resolving the Prisoner's Dilemma and Disarmament: Game Theory with Time" |
Dec. 8 | Heraklis PoleMar.akis, Columbia University, "On the Recoverability of the Cardinal Utility Index" |
Dec. 15 | John Shoven, Stanford University, "A General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation" |
1979 | |
Jan. 12 | David Brownstone, University of California, Berkeley, "An Econometric Model of Consumer Durable Choice and Utilization Rate" |
Jan. 19 | Martin Weitzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Funding Criteria for Research Development and Exploration Projects" |
Jan. 22 | John Geanakoplos, Harvard University, "We Can't Disagree Forever" and "Utility Functions for Debreu's Excess Demands" |
Feb. 2 | Andrew Weiss, Bell Laboratories, "Job Queues and Layoffs in Labor Markets with Flexible Wages" |
Feb. 9 | John Riley, University of California, Los Angeles, "Auctions and Contests" |
Feb. 16 | Richard Freeman, Harvard University, "Unionism and the Dispersion of Wages" |
Feb. 27 | Bengt Holmstrom, "Swedish School of Economics, "Incentives and Control in Organizations" |
Mar. 2 | Bruce Greenwald, Bell Laboratories, "Turnover in Firm Specific Informational Capital and the Pattern of Wages" |
Mar. 9 | Edward Prescott, University of Chicago, "Competitive Theory with Asymmetric Information: Some Optimality and Reportability Results" |
Mar. 15 | Truman Bewley, Northwestern University, "The Optimum Quantity of Money" |
Mar. 26 | Sergiu Hart, Stanford University, "Some Limit Theorems or Non-linear Economics Are Linear" |
Mar. 30 | Robert Barro, Rochester University, "On the Determination of the Public Debt" |
Apr. 6 | Yakar Kannai, Weizman Institute of Sciences, Israel, "An Approach to the Problem of Efficient Distribution of the Labor Force" |
Apr. 12 | Larry Weiss, Yale University, "Information, Aggregation and Policy" |
Apr. 20 | Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard University, "Macroeconomics Adjustment after the 1973 Oil Price Rise: Theory and Evidence" |
Apr. 25 | Jeremy Siegel, University of Pennsylvania, "Optimal Stabilization in a General Equilibrium Financial Model" |
Apr. 27 | H. Jerome Keisler, University of Wisconsin, "A Price Adjustment Model with Infinitesimal Traders" |
May 2 | Roy Radner, Harvard University, "Monitoring Cooperative Agreements between Principals and Agents" |
May 18 | Victor Pan, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM, "Fast Computation for Input/Output Analysis" |
Oct. 12 | Donald Richter, Yale University, "A Computational Approach to Resource Allocation in Spatial Urban Models" |
Oct. 19 | John Roemer, Yale University and University of California, Davis, "Origins of Exploitation and Class: Value Theory of Pre-Capitalist Economies" |
Nov. 9 | Geoffrey Heal, Columbia University, "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Resolution of the Social Choice Paradox" |
Nov. 14 | Oliver Hart, Cambridge University, "A Model of Imperfect Competition with Keynesian Features" |
Nov. 16 | William Samuelson, Boston University, "The Simple Economics of Bargaining" |
Nov. 28 | Gyorgy Szzakolczai, University of Texas, "Hungarian Price Reform of 1980" |
Nov. 30 | John Beggs, Cowles Foundation, "Pooling Cross Sections in Time Series Analysis" |
Dec. 7 | Andrew Postelwaite, Princeton University, "Strategic Behavior and a Notion of Ex Ante Efficiency in a Voting Model" |
1980 | |
Mar. 7 | Gregory Chow, Princeton University, "Estimation of Econometric Models with Rational Expectations" |
Mar. 14 | Volker Bohm, University of Mannheim, "A Simple Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Model" |
Apr. 11 | John B. Taylor, Yale University, "Measuring the Real Effects of Disinflation with Rational Expectations and Labor Contracts" |
Apr. 18 | Scott Boorman, Yale University, "Estimating Unreported Income" |
Apr. 22 | Paul Milgrom, Northwestern University, "The Equilibrium Limit Pricing Doesn't Limit Entry" |
Apr. 23 | Glenn Loury, University of Michigan, "A Theory of Oligopoly" |
Apr. 25 | Donald J. Brown, Cowles Foundation, "The Rate of Interest in a Perfect Loan Market" |
May 14 | Alberto Holly, Ecole Polytechnique and University of Lausanne, "The LR Test, the Wald Test and Kuhn Tucker Test in Non-linear Models with Inequality Constraints" |
May 16 | Angus Deaton, Princeton, "Labor Supply, Commodity Demand and Rationing" |
May 19 | Hirofumi Uzawa, University of Tokyo, "Disequilibrium Analysis and Keynes' General Theory" |
Jun. 11 | Laurence Weiss, Cowles Foundation, "Missing Information and the Cycle" |
Jun. 26 | Jeffrey Sachs, NBER, "Some New Angles on Macroeconomic Simulations" |
Sep. 12 | Prakash Chander, Indian Statistical Institute, "Dimensional Requirements for Efficient Decentralized Mechanisms" |
Oct. 10 | Stanley Black, Yale and Vanderbilt Universities, "On the Political Economy of Inflation in Open Economies" |
Oct. 17 | Roberto Mariano, University of Pennsylvania, "The Asymptotic Behavior of Predictors in a Non-Linear System" |
Oct. 24 | William Taylor, Bell Labratories, "Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects: Estimating the Returns to Schooling" |
Oct. 31 | Eugene Fama, University of Chicago, "Inflation, Output, Real Return and Capital Investment" |
Nov. 7 | Alan Auerbach, Harvard University, "Taxation, Portfolio Choice and Debt-Equity Ratios: A General Equilibrium Model" |
Nov. 12 | Gerald Jaynes, Yale University, "Unemployment and Inflation in Macro Equilibrium" |
Nov. 14 | David Wise, Harvard University, "Test Scores, Educational Opportunities and Individual Choice" |
Nov. 21 | Olivier Blanchard, Harvard University, "Production and Inventory Behavior of the U.S. Automobile Industry" |
Dec. 3 | Katsuhito Iwai, Cowles Foundation, "Schumpeterian Dynamics" |
Dec. 5 | George Rhodes, Jr., Colorado State University, "Interpretations and Extensions of Identifiability Testing in Linear Models" |
Dec. 12 | Robert Anderson, Cowles Foundation and Princeton University, "An Elementary Approach to Core Convergence Theorems" |
1981 | |
Feb. 6 | Stanley Black, Yale University and Vanderbilt University, "Consistent Estimation of the Limited Dependent Variable Threshold Regression Model by Ordinary Least Square" |
Feb. 13 | Avinash Dixit, Princeton University, "Trade in Natural Resources and Capital Goods" |
Feb. 20 | Jerry Hausman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Effect of Taxes on Labor Supply" |
Feb. 27 | Peter A. Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Aggregate Demand Management in Search Equilibrium" |
Mar. 6 | Robert J. Shiller, University of Pennsylvania and NBER, "The Determinants of the Variability of Stock Prices" |
Apr. 3 | Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard University and NBER, "Current Account Movements and the Real Exchange Rate in the 1970s: A Comparative Study" |
Apr. 16 | David Kreps, Stanford University, "Sequential Equilibria" |
Apr. 23 | Larry Weiss, Cowles Foundation, Informal workshop on current research |
Apr. 24 | Alvin Roth, University of Illinois, "The Economics of Matching: Stability and Incentives" |
May 1 | Donald J. Brown, Cowles Foundation, "Existence of a Market Equilibrium Subject to a Budget Constraint" |
May 8 | Larry Summers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Inflation and the Valuation of Corporate Equities" |
May 15 | Mamoru Kaneko, Cowles Foundation and University of Tsukuba, "The Nash Social Welfare Function and the Nash Bargaining Solution" |
Jun. 5 | Roger Gordon, Bell Labs, "Taxation of Corporate Capital Income: Tax Revenues vs. Tax Distortions" |
Sep. 18 | Jerry Hausman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Specification Tests for LOGIT Models" |
Sep. 24 | Robert Hall, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, "The Excessive Sensitivity of Employment to Demand" |
Oct. 2 | John Geanakoplos, Cowles Foundation, "Understanding Infinite Horizon Models: the 1959 Samuelson Consumption-Loan Model and the 1965 Diamond Capital Model" |
Oct. 9 | Martin Weitzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Increasing Returns to Scale and the Foundations of Unemployment Equilibrium Theory" |
Oct. 16 | Thomas Rothenberg, University of California, Berkeley, "Approximate Normality of Generalized Least Square Estimates" |
Oct. 23 | Guillermo Calvo, Columbia University, "Staggered Contracts and Exchange Rate Policy" |
Nov. 6 | Paul R. Milgrom, Northwestern University, "A Theory of Auctions and Competitive Bidding" |
Nov. 13 | Thomas Sargent, University of Minnesota and Visiting Professor at Harvard, "The Real Bills Doctrine vs. The Quantity Theory: A Reconsideration" |
Nov. 20 | John Hartwick, Queens University, "Learning About and Exploiting Exhaustive Resource Deposits of Uncertain Size" |
Dec. 11 | John Whalley, University of Western Ontario, "General Equilibrium Calculations of Distributional and Efficiency Effects of Taxes" |
1982 | |
Feb. 5 | Christophe Chamley, Yale University, "Efficient Taxation in a Stylized Model of Intertemporal General Equilibrium" |
Feb. 19 | Bengt Holmstrom, Northwestern University, "A Theory of Western Wage Dynamics" |
Feb. 26 | Lars Hansen, Carnegie-Mellon University and University of Chicago, "Estimation Procedures for Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models" |
Mar. 26 | John Taylor, Princeton University, "The Swedish Investment Funds System as a Stabilization Policy Rule" |
Apr. 2 | David Kreps, Stanford University and Yale University, "Rational Learning and Rational Expectation" |
Apr. 16 | William Nordhaus, Yale University, "Are Real Interest Rates Really High?" |
Apr. 23 | Rudiger Dornbusch, "Intertemporal Trade Theory" |
Apr. 30 | Denis Sargan, London School of Economics and visiting professor at University of Florida, "Some Problems with Muellbauer's Method of Estimating Rational Expectations Models" |
May 3 | Professor Takatoshi Ito, University of Minnesota, "A Comparison of Japanese and United States Macroeconomic Behavior by a Vector Autoregressive Model" |
May 10 | Professor V.K. Chetty, Indian Statistical Institute and Visitor at Cowles Foundation, "Economics of Price and Distributional Controls: Indian Sugar Industry" |
Oct. 8 | Olivier Blanchard, Harvard University, "Price Desynchronization and Price Level Inertia" |
Oct. 22 | Michael Bruno, Hebrew University and NBER, "Terms of Trade Shocks and the Productivity Slowdown" |
Oct. 29 | Donald J. Brown and Geoffrey Heal, Cowles Foundation, "Average and Marginal Cost Pricing of a Public Monopoly" |
Nov. 12 | Robert Weber, Northwestern University, "The Allais Paradox, Dutch Auctions, and Alpha Utility Theory" |
Nov. 16 | Andrew Caplin, Yale University, "Aggregation of (S,s) Inventory Policies in a Theory of Retailers Demand" |
Nov. 19 | Geoffrey Heal, Cowles Foundation, "Economies of Scale and the Foundations of Macroeconomics" |
Dec. 3 | Alan Auerbach, Harvard University, "Taxes, Firm Financial Policy and the Cost of Capital: An Empirical Analysis" |
Dec. 9 | Sandy Struckmeyer, Yale University, "Energy Price Shocks and Their Impact on Economic Growth and the Valuation of Capital" |
Dec. 10 | Robert Gordon, Tjalling Koopmans, William Nordhaus and Brian Skinner, Yale University, "Materials Modeling as Applied to Copper" |
1983 | |
Jan. 11 | Alok Bhargava, London School of Economics, TBA |
Feb. 11 | John Whalley, University of Western Ontario, "Progressivity or Regressivity: Conclusions from Tax Incidence Calculations" |
Feb. 25 | Kenneth Singleton, Carnegie-Mellon University, "A Time Series Analysis of Intertemporal Consumption and Leisure Decisions under Nonseparable Utility" |
Mar. 30 | Peter Phillips, Cowles Foundation, "The Distribution of LIML" |
Apr. 6 | Alan S. Manne, Stanford University, "A Three-Region Intertemporal Model of Energy, International Trade and Capital Flows" |
Apr. 22 | Martin Weitzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Employment Implications of Alternative Compenstionn Systems" |
Apr. 29 | Jose Scheinkman, University of Chicago, "Cournot Pre-commitment and Bertrand Competition Yield Cournot Outcomes" (with David Kreps) |
May 18 | Ray C. Fair, Cowles Foundation, "A Comparison of Alternative Estimators of Macro Models" |
May 24 | Richard Cooper, Harvard University, "The International Economy Today" |
Sep. 28 | Werner Hildenbrand, University of Bonn, "Estimation of Engle Curves and the Law of Demand" |
Dec. 7 | W. Brian Arthur, Stanford University, "On Competing Technologies and historical Small Events: The Dynamics of Choice under Increasing Returns" |
Dec. 9 | Marcus Miller, Princeton University, "Dynamic Games and the Time Inconsistency of Optimal Policy in Open Economics" |
1984 | |
Jan. 19 | John Rust, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Optimal Replacement Timing and Monopoly Choice of Durability" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Jan. 26 | Raaj Sah, University of Pennsylvania, "The Architecture of Economic Systems: Hierarchies and Polyarchies" (Brown Bag Seminar) |
Feb. 22 | Beth Allen, University of Pennsylvania, "General Equilibrium with Information Sales" |
Mar. 2 | Jerry Green, Harvard University, "Recent Work on Incentives" |
Apr. 6 | Dan mcFadden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Is There Life after Debt? The Experience of Middle-Income LDCs" |
May 7 | Ethan Akin, City College of New York, "Competitive Growth of Firms in an Industry" |
May 8 | Jean-Michel Grandmont, CEPRENAP, "On Endogenous Competitive Business Cycles" |
May 11 | Hugo Sonnenschein, Princeton University, "Refinement of the Nash Equilibrium Concept: An Introduction" |
Sep. 14 | Robert Townsend, Carnegie-Mellon University, "Financial Structures as Communication Systems" |
Oct. 12 | Hal White, University of California, San Diego, "Toward a More Realistic Framework for Econometric Estimation" |
Nov. 9 | Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Pricing and the Distributional Money Holdings in a Search Equilibrium" |
Dec. 14 | Robert Wilson, Stanford University, "On Equilibrium of Bid-Ask Markets" |
1985 | |
Feb. 8 | Oliver Hart, University of Cambridge, "Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiations" |
Mar. 8 | Sherwin Rosen, University of Chicago, "The Distribution of Prizes in a Match-Play Tournament with Single Elimination" |
Apr. 12 | Jerry Hausman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Errors in Variables" |
May 10 | Robert E. Hall, Stanford University, "Efficient Stabilization Policy" |
Sep. 20 | Jean Tirole, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Principals with Private Information" |
Oct. 18 | James Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Reporting Errors and Labor Market Dynamics" |
Oct. 25 | Herbert E. Scarf, Cowles Foundation, "Integral Polyhedra in Three Space" |
Nov. 15 | Hugo Sonnenschein, Princeton University, "Monopoly, the Coase Conjecture, and Bargaining with One-Sided Uncertainty" |
Nov. 22 | Donald J. Brown, Cowles Foundation, "Edgeworth Equilibria" |
Dec. 9 | Grayham Mizon, University of Southampton, "Efficient Estimation Using Panel Data" |
Dec. 13 | Paul Milgrom, Cowles Foundation, "Repeated Moral Hazard with Unrestricted Borrowing and Saving" |
1986 | |
Feb. 21 | Richard Kihlstrom, University of Pennsylvania, "Managerial Incentives in Publicly Traded Firms" |
Mar. 5 | Ray C. Fair, Cowles Foundation, "Informal Discussion of the Macroeconomic Consequences of Deficit Targeting" (Staff Luncheon) |
Mar. 26 | William D. Nordhaus, Cowles Foundation, Informal discussion of the "Coming Boom" (Staff Luncheon) |
Mar. 28 | Michael Wickens, University of Southampton, "Estimating Rational Expectations Models" |
Apr. 2 | Truman F. Bewley, Cowles Foundation, Informal discussion of why incomplete contracts cannot explain layoffs (Staff Luncheon) |
Apr. 9 | James Tobin, Cowles Foundation, Informal discussion about the future of social security (Staff Luncheon) |
Apr. 25 | James Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Investment Behavior" |
Apr. 30 | Donald W.K. Andrews, Cowles Foundation, Informal discussion of power in econometric applications (Staff Luncheon) |
May 16 | Jerry Green, Harvard University, "Competition on Many Fronts" |
Sep. 19 | Jose A. Schienkman, University of Chicago, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Stock Returns" |
Oct. 17 | Eric Maskin, Harvard University, "Rational Expectations with Imperfect Competition" |
Nov. 21 | Andreu Mas-Colell, Harvard University, "An Equivalence Theorem for a Bargaining Set" |
1987 | |
Jan. 16 | Sydney Afriat, University of Ottawa, "Utility Construction — Revisited" |
Feb. 20 | Clive W.J. Granger, University of California, San Diego, "Cointegrated Economic Variables" |
Mar. 27 | Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, "Assessing Dynamic Efficiency: Theory and Evidence" |
Apr. 17 | Daniel L. McFadden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A Method of Simulated Moments for Econometric Estimation" |
May 15 | John Roberts, Stanford University, "An Economics Approach to Influence in Organizations" |
Oct. 30 | Charles Manski, University of Wisconsin, "Binary Response Analysis" |
Nov. 13 | Ariel Rubinstein, Hebrew University and Princeton University, "The Complexity of Strategies and the Resolution of Conflicts: An Introduction" |
Dec. 11 | Oliver Hart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Contract Renegotiation and Coasian Dynamics" |
1988 | |
Feb. 19 | Thomas Sarget, Hoover Institution, "Convergence of Least Squares Learning in Environments with Hidden State Variables and Private Information" |
Mar. 11 | Adrian Pagan, University of Rochester, "Nonparametric Methods for Estimating Models with Risk Terms" |
May 13 | Vernon Smith, University of Arizona, "Designing 'Smart' Computer-Assisted Market Institutions: Natural Gas Networks" |
1989 | |
Sep. 22 | Steven Durlauf, Stanford University, "Locally Interacting Systems, Coordination Failure, and the Behavior of Aggregate Activity" |
Oct. 13 | David Kreps, Stanford University, "Statis Choice in the Presence of Unforeseen Contingencies" |
Nov. 3 | Per Bak, Brookhaven National Laboratories, "Economics, Earthquakes, and Sandpiles" |
Dec. 8 | James Mirrlees, Nuffield College, "Welfare Economics with Economies of Scale and Location" |
1990 | |
Mar. 2 | Olivier Blanchard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Ranking, Unemployment Duration, and Wages" |
Mar. 30 | Robert F. Engle, University of California, San Diego, "Options Pricing with Stochastic Variability" |
Apr. 13 | Amos Tversky, Stanford University, "Constructive Choice" |
Sep. 21 | Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University, "The Allocation of Talent: Implications for Growth" |
Oct. 19 | Whitney Newey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Nonparametric Estimation of Exact Consumer Surplus" |
Nov. 9 | Dilip Abreu, Princeton University, "Virtual Implementation" |
Dec. 7 | Michael Todd, Cornell University, "Potential Functions for Linear Programming and a Low-Complexity Interior-Point Algorithm" |
1991 | |
Mar. 1 | Stanley Fischer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development" |
Apr. 12 | B. Douglas Bernheim, Princeton University, A Theory of Conformity" |
Sep. 20 | Stanley Fischer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Moderate Inflation" |
Oct. 11 | Andrew Postlewaite, University of Pennsylvania, "Social Norms and Economic Behavior" |
Dec. 6 | James Stock, Harvard University, "Testing for and Dating Changes in Growth Rates in Integrated and Cointegrated Series: Empirical Evidence" |
1992 | |
Jan. 31 | James Durbin, London School of Economics, "Fitting Structural Time-Series Models to Non-Gaussian Data" |
Feb. 28 | Werner Hildenbrand, University of Bonn, "Market Demand: Theory and Empirical Evidence" |
Apr. 10 | N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, "Asymmetric Price Adjustment and Economic Fluctuations" |
Sep. 25 | Drew Fudenberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Rules of Thumb for Social Learning" |
Oct. 16 | James Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "State Responses to Fiscal Crises: Natural Experiments for Studying Budgetary Institutions" |
Nov. 6 | Jean-François Richard, University of Pittsburgh, "Bayesian and Classicals: Complements or Substitutes" |
1993 | |
Feb. 26 | Richard Thaler, Cornell University, "Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle" |
Sep. 17 | John Y. Campbell, Princeton University, "Understanding Risk and Return" |
Oct. 22 | Andrew R. Solow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Model-Based Inference About Global Warming" |
Nov. 5 | Lars Hansen, University of Chicago, "Pessimism, Neurosis, and Feelings About Risk in General Equilibrium" |
1994 | |
Feb. 25 | Andreu Mas-Colell, Harvard University, "Generically, the Equilibrium Payoffs of a Bi-Matrix Game Are Finite" |
Mar. 25 | Darrell Duffie, Stanford University, "A Liquidity-Based Model of Asset-Backed Security Design" |
Apr. 15 | Adam Brandenburger, Harvard Business School, "Biform Games" |
May 6 | Donald J. Brown, Stanford University, "Walrasian Comparative Statics" |
Sep. 23 | Nancy L. Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Firm Diversification and CEO Compensation: Managerial Ability or Executive Entrenchment" |
Oct. 21 | Edward E. Leamer, University of California, Los Angeles, "The Empirics of Economic Growth in Previously Centrally Planned Economies" |
Nov. 11 | Dilip Abreu, Princeton University, "Bargaining and Reputation" |
1995 | |
Feb. 24 | Avinash K. Dixit, Princeton University, "Stochastic Dynamic Investment and Employment Decisions" |
Mar. 24 | Paul M. Romer, University of California, Berkeley, "The Politics of Entitlement" |
Apr. 21 | John McMillan, University of California, San Diego, "Selling the Spectrum" |
Oct. 13 | Benjamin M. Friedman, Harvard University, "Moral Consequences of Economic Growth" |
Nov. 3 | Jonathan H. Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Does Public Insurance Crowd Out Private Insurance?" |
Dec. 8 | Jerry Green, Harvard University, "Compensatory Transfers in Group Decision Problems" |
1996 | |
Mar. 29 | James D. Hamilton, University of California, San Diego, "Measuring the Liquidity Effect" |
Apr. 19 | Nancy L. Stokey, University of Chicago, "Are There Limits to Growth?" |
1997 | |
Oct. 3 | Werner Hildenbrand, University of Bonn, "Aggregation Under Structural Stability" |
Oct. 8 | Paul Milgrom, Stanford University, "Auction Theory in Practice: The Simultaneous Ascending Auction" |
Nov. 14 | Ernst Fehr, University of Zürich, "Homo-Reciprocans — The Economic Implications of Reciprocity" |
Dec. 5 | Robert Hall, Stanford University, "The Temporal Concentration of Job Destruction and Inventory Liquidation: A Theory of Recession" |
1998 | |
Oct. 23 | Ariel Rubinstein, Tel Aviv University, "Games with Procedurally Rational Players" (with M. Osborne) |
Nov. 11 | Special Seminar: John Nash, Jr., Princeton University, "Ideal Money" |
Nov. 13 | John Nash, Jr., Princeton University, "Reduction of Coalitions to Agencies: A Scheme for the Analysis of Cooperative Games" |
Dec. 4 | Jose Scheinkman, University of Chicago, "Competition Among Exchanges" (with J. Santos) |
1999 | |
Feb. 13 | David Levine, University of California, Los Angeles, "Lotteries, Indivisibilities and Incentive Constraints: A Review of the Continuum Case" (with T. Kehoe and E. Prescott) |
Mar. 6 | Danny Quah, London School of Economics, "Growth and Distribution with Knowledge as Property" |
Apr. 24 | Paul Krugman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "What Happened to Asia?" |
Sep. 24 | Selo Imrohoroglu, University of Southern California, "Myopia and Social Security" |
Oct. 22 | Robert Engle, University of California, San Diego, "CAViaR: Conditional Value at Risk by Regression Quantiles" |
Nov. 5 | Martin Weitzman, Harvard University, "A Contribution to the Theory of Welfare Accounting" |
Dec. 2 | Narayana R. Kocherlakota, University of Minnesota, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, "Efficient Allocations with Hidden Income and Hidden Storage" (with Harold L. Cole) |
2000 | |
Feb. 18 | Andrew Caplin, New York University, "The Social Discount Rate" (with John Leahy) |
Mar. 24 | Nobu Kiyotaki, London School of Economics, "Inside Money and Liquidity" (with John Moore) |
Mar. 31 | Sergiu Hart, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "The Evolution of Rationality" |
2001 | |
Feb. 21 | Menahem Yaari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "A Credit Market a la David Hume" (joint with Microeconomic Theory Workshop) |
Mar. 30 | Edward Prescott, University of Minnesota, "Taxes, Regulations, and Asset Prices" (joint with Macroeconomics Workshop) |
Apr. 18 | Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago, "Robustness and Pricing with Uncertain Growth" (joint with Microeconomic Theory Workshop and Macroeconomics Workshop) |
2002 | |
Feb. 22 | Gil Kalai, Hebrew University, "Statistical Learnability and Rationality of Choice" |
Nov. 15 | Robert Hall, Stanford University, "Dynamics of Corporate Earnings" (joint with Macroeconomics Workshop) |
2003 | |
Sep. 26 | Robert Hall, Stanford University, "Wage Determination and Employment Fluctuations" (joint with Labor and Population Workshop) |
Dec. 12 | Hugo Sonnenschein, University of Chicago, "Overcoming Incentive Constraints" (with Matthew O. Jackson) |
2004 | |
Apr. 9 | Michele Boldrin, University of Minnesota, "Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Market Size" (with David K. Levine) |