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50th Anniversary Celebration

June 3-4, 1983

Abstracted from Cowles Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, edited by Alvin K. Klevorick:

The Cowles Commission for Research in Economics was founded in 1932 by Alfred Cowles in collaboration with a group of economists, mathematicians, and statisticians who were concerned with applying quantitative techniques to economics and related social sciences. As stated in the original Articles of Incorporation, "The particular purpose and business for which said corporation is formed is to educate and benefit its members and mankind, and to advance the scientific study and development ... of economic theory in its relation to mathematics and statistics." The Cowles Commission was formally chartered as a not-for-profit corporation in Colorado on September 9, 1932. In 1939 it relocated to the University of Chicago and then, in 1955, moved to Yale University where it was renamed The Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University.

To celebrate the first fifty years of the Cowles research organization’s contributions, the Cowles Foundation invited four distinguished economists to prepare essays on the various areas in which research at Cowles has been concentrated. These four scholars, Kenneth J. Arrow, Gerard Debreu, Edmond Malinvaud, and Robert M. Solow, presented their papers at the conference held at Yale University on June 3–4, 1983 to commemorate the Cowles research group’s fiftieth anniversary.

This volume presents the four essays that were prepared for the Cowles Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration. Also contained is a listing of the monographs, published papers, and discussion papers produced by members of the Cowles Commission and Cowles Foundation research staffs from 1932 through 1982.



Informal Coffee


Buffet Lunch


Gerard Debreu

FIRST SESSION: Chaired by Lionel McKenzie




SECOND SESSION: Chaired by Lawrence Klein






Remarks and Reminiscences



FIRST SESSION: Chaired by Carl Christ




SECOND SESSION: Chaired by Leonid Hurwicz

List of Participants

Theodore Anderson
Donald Andrews
Kenneth Arrow
Martin Beckmann
Truman Bewley
John Bigelow
James Blackman
Scott Boorman
Karl Borch
William Brainard
Donald Brown
Christophe Chamley
John Chipman
Carl Christ
Russell Cooper
Jean Crockett
Gerard Debreu
Philip Dybvig
Ray Fair
John Geanakoplos
David Hendry
Clfford Hildreth

Masayoshi Hirota
William Hood
H. S. Houthakker
Roger Howe
Leonid Hurwicz
Timothy Kehoe
Lawrence Klein
Alvin Klevorick
Tjalling Koopmans
Larry Kotlikoff
Michael Lovell
Daniel McFadden
Lionel McKenzie
Edmond Malinvaud
Harry Markowitz
Andreu Mas-Colell
Peter Mieszkowski
Paul Milgrom
William Nordhaus
Guy Orcutt
Jon Peck
Merton Peck

Peter Phillips
Roy Radner
Stanley Reiter
Jonathan Rogawski
Stephen Ross
Paul Samuelson
Herbert Scarf
Robert Shiller
John Shoven
Martin Shubik
Vernon Smith
Robert Solow
T. N. Srinivasan
Ross Starr
Joseph Stiglitz
Robert Summers
James Tobin
Ludo Van der Heyden
Kenneth Wallis
Harold Watts
Larry Weiss
Martin Weitzman
Estelle Wirtel